Podrick Payne X Reader - Confident (Requested)

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You and Podrick had known each other for a very long time, you had been introduced when you were children with the idea that you would be married when you were grown, and despite your close friendship and your feelings for him, he always seemed to become distant when you brought up the topic of your wedding. One evening, your family were throwing a feast for your sister's name day. You knew that Podrick would be there and you were excited to spend time with him as he had been living in King's Landing as of recent.

When people started to arrive you were sat at the head table beside your sister, watching as people conversed. No one could argue your beauty, even though your younger sister Lyanna argued that she didn't understand where you got it from. Many a man had asked for your hand and they had all been turned away by your Father who knew that you and Podrick were very close, and that you would be happy to be married to him.

You saw Podrick as soon as he walked into the room, you always did, it wasn't like he drew attention to himself but you seemed to always be able to sense his presence. You smiled at him and gave him a small wave and he merely nodded in your direction in response. You were startled, normally Podrick would be equally as excited to see you as you were with him, but you decided to brush it off as you watched him stood beside his cousin, Ser Cedric, not speaking just standing silently, listening to the conversation.

You stood, deciding to go and keep him company. You knew he was not his cousin's biggest fan, and neither were you, you had seen the way he treated your friend and had never liked him for it. "Podrick," you spoke softly from beside him and he looked up, shocked by your sudden appearance at his side, as the other men continued to talk.

"Lady Y/N," he greeted back quietly, still trying to remain within the group of men. You were hurt, he was never like this with you, timid and awkward, in fact you were normally the only person that he wasn't like this with, often becoming quite talkative in front of you.

"Would you care to join me for a dance?" you asked him and your small smile turn into a frown as he silently shook his head no. "Suit yourself, i'm sure some other Lord would be able to hide their distaste in dancing with me for a short time," you spoke quickly, moving away from him as tears brimmed in your eyes. You tried to wipe at the tears with your long sleeves as you moved across the hall but found yourself unable to stifle the crying as you hastily made your way through the large doors which led into the hallways.

As you leant against the cool stone wall you heard the door open again, revealing a slightly worse for wear son of Lord Manderly, who quickly moved to stand beside you. "My Lady, you shouldn't be out here alone," he told you as he moved his arm to go around your shoulders, pushing himself closer to you as he went to push his lips to yours. You quickly shoved your hands against his chest pushing him away but his grip on your arm sent you falling to the floor, with him standing above you. Tears continued to run down your cheeks as you whimpered at the hungry look he was sending your way.

"I swear to the gods that if you lay one more finger on my betrothed I'll kill you, Manderly," you heard the voice you were so used to come from behind the man who span to look at Podrick, laughing in his face.

"Your betrothed? She is far to pretty to be your wife, Payne, now stop your delusions and leave us be," Manderly spoke only stopping when Podrick's fist came into contact with the other man's face.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" he asked you as he quickly moved to your side only for you to flinch away from him. "I'm sorry," he started softly, watching as you climbed to your feet, "Cedric told me I wasn't to be friends with Ladies," he told you bowing his head until he heard you chuckling to yourself.

"I'm sure he didn't mean your future wife, you half-wit," you spoke through the tears, reaching out for him to hold you. "I thought you didn't like me anymore," you finally spoke again from where he held you against his chest.

"Why wouldn't I like you? You're my best friend," he paused looking into your face before quickly moving his face closer to yours, pressing your lips together in a small kiss which you happily returned. "I love you," he uttered as he pulled away, his hand coming up to brush against your damp cheeks.

You smiled at his reddened face and his eyes, which made him look like a frightened, baby deer. "I love you too," you told him and his fear turned to happiness as he leant in to kiss you again, finally gaining the confidence to show you how he felt.

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