Jaime Lannister X Stark!Reader - Angel Down

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A/N - This was inspired by the album 'Joanne' by Lady Gaga. I hope you all enjoy it.

You spent a lot of your time in King's Landing being scolded for your behaviour; sometimes it was by Septa Mordane, others it was the other women of the court, and on very rare occasions your Uncle Ned would try to put you in your place at the request of the King. It wasn't as though you were doing bad things, just unladylike things, a highly frowned upon way of living in the eyes of the southerners that surrounded you. You had lived at Winterfell your whole life, since your father had died riding south to try and save his sister Lyanna soon after your mother had died birthing you. You had never met your aunt Lyanna but many told you that you had her spirit, looking back you thought that maybe it wasn't the compliment you had once believed it to be. It wasn't your fault anyhow, you got restless and found that sitting sipping tea in the gardens, or sewing a gown, was never enough to stop you from fidgeting.

"I still don't understand why I'm not allowed to wander the Red Keep," you hummed lightly, popping a shiny purple grape into your mouth as you lounged in the wooden chair in your uncle's chambers, once more being told off after you were caught wandering around by a Lannister guard. "It's not like I was doing anything wrong, I was just walking," you added, picking up another grape and rubbing it against the fabric of your dress to clean it off.

"The Queen's guard caught you lingering around her chambers, she doesn't take kindly to being spied on," he murmured as you popped the new grape between your teeth and bit down.

"I wasn't spying on her; I was just going for a walk and ended up near her chamber," you groaned as you chewed, rolling your eyes and avoiding all eye contact with your uncle.

"You're lucky she let you off with just a warning," he continued and you rolled your eyes. You had heard this speech before, about how you could trust very few people in King's Landing, and how they were all just looking out for themselves.

"I know," you sighed. "It could have been worse, I could have been flogged through the streets for being a traitor, but I wasn't was I? All the guards did was bring me here to listen to you telling me how much of a disappointment I've become," you huffed, pinching the grape in your fingers until it split, sending the contents flying over your hands and lap. You scoffed, of course this would happen now, proving your point of how much you were disappointing the Stark name.

"You are not a disappointment Y/N; you may be a little different but it's what makes you who you are," your uncle told you. He moved closer to you, taking the broken grape from your hand and passing you a cloth to wipe your hands with. "Make sure to get the maids to clean that thoroughly or it'll stain," he added, ruffling your hair a little before pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head.

"Thank you," you whispered as you got to your feet. You weren't sure what you were thanking him for, his kind words or his sound as always advice? It very well could have been both, but you knew he understood as he gave you a short nod before opening the door for you.

"I'll see you at dinner," he murmured and you smiled, giving him a quick nod before hurrying down the hall towards your own chambers. You knew your uncle would be more than mad if he ever knew your true reason for being near to the Queen's chambers, and the Queen herself would have been even more likely to have titled you a traitor. You had been looking for her brother; Jaime and yourself had been spending a lot of time together since you had come to King's Landing and it had quickly become more than friendship, though you had both come to the decision to keep it out of the eyes of the public. Your uncle Ned hated Jaime, he had done since they were young, though neither of them had ever told you why, and Cersei was an overprotective woman, to put it lightly, and her love for Jaime was stronger than any other sibling bond you had ever seen.

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