Jorah Mormont X Lannister!Reader - Healer (Requested)

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You had never seen Greyscale before. In fact, when you had first become a healer, you had thought it was a myth, though you had of course read up on it, you found the Myth's and legends a lot more interesting than any common illness. When the man walked through your door he looked completely healthy, giving you a small smile, which you returned.

"How can I help you?" you asked him as you closed the book you had been reading, putting it aside as the man pulled up his sleeve, showing his grey, scarred arm. You tried not to flinch away as you looked at it, before raising your eyes to him. "I didn't think-" you trailed off as he watched you.

"Neither did I," he spoke, his voice deep and melodic as you nodded at him. "What is your name?" he asked you softly as if trying to create an air of normality.

"Y/N, and yourself?" you told him, a small smile on your lips.

"Jorah Mormont," he told you, moving to shake your hand in the traditional Dothraki way. You chuckled and shook your head, taking his hand the way you knew he had learned as a child, the way of the northern Lords and Ladies.

"I'm sure I read about a cure when I was younger," you uttered softly."I have the book somewhere," you continued as you went through a curtain into another room, you quickly noticed he wasn't with you, leaning back to poke your head through the curtain. "Come with me," you laughed and he quickly moved to follow. "You truly have come to the right place, I know almost everything that has ever been written about Greyscale," you informed him as he stared in awe at your personal library in the back room. You continued to babble on as you searched through the stacks of books, some towering over you precariously as you ran your fingers over the spines. "Ah, this one," you told him as you whipped one of the books from the bottom of the pile you had been searching, he reached to steady them, stopping them from falling on top of you as you hurried by him again, moving to the small table in the corner.

"What does it say?" he asked you as you sat thumbing through the book, you held up a finger to silence him as you continued to read and he took the moment to take in your appearance. It was clear that you didn't come from Essos, but he stayed staring, hoping to place you. As he watched you chewed on your bottom lip, staring intently at the pages, unaware of his eyes on you as you tried to find a way to save the man sitting with you.

"That's it," you exclaimed, shooting from your seat and hurrying into the front room of the store again, leaving him flustered behind you, caught in his own thoughts about your beauty as you rummaged through the ingredients sitting on the shelves surrounding the room. You were pulling out items which looked as though they had sat untouched for years. It wasn't often that you got a new illness to cure, even if you were stocked for anything.

"What is it?" he asked, leaning against the door frame watching as you frantically mixed things together, throwing them into the bowl with a smile on your face. You quickly looked up to smile at him, pausing what you were doing as you were caught of guard by how handsome he looked in this light.

"The cure, there is a cure in the books, but there is a lot of stuff to go in it. It can be confusing if you don't understand healing," you told him, still not moving as you watched him with a smile on your face. "Your going to be okay," you said, your voice softer and lower.

"What will it cost, I don't have much," he spoke and you shook your head, his face growing worried as he watched.

"It's free, I don't charge for my work. I have more than enough, why should I take from those in need?" you told him and he smiled at you. He couldn't explain it but he had really enjoyed the short time you had spent with him and it seemed that everything you said made him grow fonder of you. You continued to stir the mixture before pouring it into a cup to hand to him. "To good health," you joked as you clinked a cup of water against his medicine, watching as he drank it all before handing him the water to wash it down.

"You know, I work with Daenerys Targaryen," he spoke softly as he sat himself on one of the counters watching as your eyes went wide, "I am sure she could use a healer in her Khalasar," he added and you quickly shook your head.

"She wouldn't want me," you uttered, voice lowering sightly. "The Targaryen's aren't the biggest fans of my family," you added and he smirked at you causing you to furrow your brows at him.

"She seems to get on pretty well with your brother," he told you and your eyes went wide. "Tyrion is to be her hand when they go to King's Landing," he finished, watching as your mouth hung open awkwardly.

"I haven't seen Tyrion since we were 15," you spoke more to yourself than to Jorah, but you carried on. "He probably hates me for leaving him with our father," you continued only to be shocked when he chuckled at you.

"You must be joking, he never stops talking about you, he misses you." Jorah smiled at you and you finally considered his offer. You would be with your brother again, and it wouldn't hurt to be able to spend more time with Jorah.

"I want to come with you, but I need my books and the ingredients. We'll need a way to transport them all." You were thinking out loud as you moved back into the back of the building Jorah trailing behind you as you began to pull the books from the shelves, piling them up on the table. "Can you get hold of a cart form somewhere?" you asked him as you searched for a certain book, as you found it you pulled it open, revealing that there were no pages but instead a bag of coins. "You can use this," you added as you threw them to him, he nodded in agreement.

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