Rhaegar Targaryen X Reader - Second (Requested)

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"Rhaegar, these are my daughters," you heard your father speak as you stood talking with your younger sister at the side of the dance floor, watching as couples moved around gracefully, a swirl of rich fabrics and laughter. Your family were well known for throwing the best balls in the Kingdom and many high up families traveled for days to join in the celebrations in your home. Tonight was in celebration of your Father's name day, and everyone seemed as merry as ever, filled with good wine and food, and all happy to be in each others company. You turned to face your father, smiling at the man you had never met before. "Girls, this is Rhaegar Targaryen, the King's eldest son".

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Grace," you uttered, giving a small curtsey as you sister mimicked your movements quickly. He sent you a large smile and nodded as you father grinned beside him, he knew he had raised his daughters to be respectful and to have them in the presence of a future King was something he was very proud of.

"The pleasure is all mine, My Lady," Rhaegar spoke, his voice as soft as silk as it rolled off of his tongue, it left you hanging on every word and you blushed as you smiled at his words. "Why are you not dancing?" he asked you as your father moved away to greet other guests.

"I'm not a very good dancer, Your Grace. I'd be stepping on too many toes and people would take me for a fool," you told him lightheartedly and he chuckled at your comments as he reached for your hand.

"Come, you just need a better teacher," he murmured as he lightly pulled you towards the dance floor by your hand. You resisted a little, looking like a startled deer as he turned back to you. "Come, I won't let you make a fool of yourself," he told you with another heartwarming smile and you hesitantly followed him, allowing him to move his hands to your waist as he span you. As you grew more comfortable, you found yourself enjoying your time with Rhaegar, laughing as he told you jokes, still spinning and twirling around the dance floor, sometimes steadying yourself against him when you got too dizzy, causing him to chuckle.

Soon, you were sitting together on a step which lead down into the gardens of your home. You were clinging to your cup of wine, suddenly nervous about being with a Prince on your own, despite him being so kind and funny. You also started to notice how handsome he was with his chiselled jaw, dark violet eyes and long silver hair. In fact you were struggling to keep your eyes away from his handsome face until he spoke ,drawing you out of your thoughts.

"I wish I wasn't married, it would make this a lot easier," he told you looking down at his hands where they sat folded in his lap. You knew he was married to Elia, you had met her when you were younger and when you heard of her marriage you were ecstatic for her. You also knew of their two children, but you couldn't help but long for a different time where Rhaegar could be with you.

"I understand, you are devoted to Elia and your children. You don't have to feel guilty for not reciprocating my feelings, Your Grace," you told him as you rose to your feet to head back inside only stopping when his hand pulled you back down beside him.

"You don't understand, Elia has agreed that I can marry another, but I can't force that upon you, it would be unfair," he told you and you watched him, confused as he looked over to you.

"My father may not be entirely pleased that I'd be sharing you, but I want to be with you Rhaegar, and if that is what it takes, then it's what I'll do," you told him, moving to rest your hand on his knee as he looked at you, shocked.

"You would have to move to King's Landing with me, and live alongside Elia, and our children," he told you, now lacing his fingers with yours as you rested you head against his shoulder, both staring out across the now darkened gardens.

"When I was young, I travelled with my Father to Dorne and I met your wife. She was so kind and helpful, I'm sure I would enjoy spending time with her," you murmured, a small smile drifting across your lips as you thought of how different your life would become with him by your side. "I hope she will not grow weary of me, though," you told him and he let out a small chuckle as he rubbed little circles into the back of your hand.

"She will enjoy the company, I'm sure. She grows tired of spending so much time around the children," he uttered with a small grin. "I can't wait to take you with me," he added as you huddled together happily.

*Time Skip*

Your father did not take as badly to the suggestion of you marrying Rhaegar as you thought he would. You had expected him to have a fit over being someones second wife, but he had told you he would be happy if you were and went about throwing a celebratory feast for the two of you, though you explained that you would be heading to King's Landing soon.

After the wedding, you were quickly hurried into a carriage as everyone else celebrated in your childhood home, one that you were unlikely to see again for a very long time. As you pulled out, your eyes filled with tears. Of course, you were happy to be going with Rhaegar but you would always miss you parents and your sister. You felt Rhaegar's arm wrap around your shoulder, pulling you tightly to him as he kissed your forehead lightly, "They can come to visit whenever you want, and you can come here too. You won't be a prisoner in King's Landing, you are free to come and go as you please, My Love," he told you and you smiled tearing your eyes from your home to look up at his handsome face.

"Thank you," you told him as you leant into him, allowing him to hold you tighter under his arm. "I love you," you quickly whispered to him as you closed your eyes to rest.

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