Jaime Lannister X Reader- Jealousy

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"I was being nice Jaime, what do you expect me to do?" you hissed, slamming your hands down on the table in front of you and getting quickly to your feet. "I'm not going to stop speaking with your brother just because it makes you uncomfortable; he's my friend and you won't make me abandon him," you added in a low growl before turning tail and storming from your chambers. Jaime had always had an issue with you spending time with Tyrion, though you had often had to point out that yourself and Tyrion had been friends since you were small children running around the Casterly Rock when your parents were too busy to notice you disappearing. He never seemed to understand though, feeling a little disheartened by your lack of interest in his jealousy.

You walked straight from your chambers to Tyrion's, he always had something witty to say to cheer your aching heart after you fought with your husband. You gave a sharp knock on the door, entering when you heard his voice echoing through it. "Good morning Y/N, how are you?" he asked gently, gesturing for you to take the seat across from him as he filtered through a few sheets of paper on his table.

"You're brother is being a cunt," you hummed as you sat, leaning forward onto the table with your head resting on your arms.

"What was it this time?" he muttered, still not looking up from his papers as he continued his work.

"What is it ever? He is a jealous man and he doesn't take me being in male company very well, not even his own brother's," you let out a deep groan as you finished speaking, tilting your head up to look at him, practically begging for him to take your mind off of your husband.

"Perhaps you should talk to him more rationally," he told you, finally looking up to see you raising your brows at him.

"Are you mad? Jaime doesn't talk rationally when it comes to me, it's all or nothing." Every time you had tried to have this talk with Jaime in the past it had dissolved into a fight, neither of you had yet discovered a way of stopping it from turning sour.

"He'll never stop getting mad if you don't put your foot down," Tyrion informed you, with a small smile, as he nodded towards the door, indicating that you should leave.

"Fine," you huffed, getting to your feet but hesitating on the spot. "If he gets mad with me I'll have you to blame," you added, swaying slightly on the spot.

"I will be willing to accept that blame," he hummed, looking up when you still didn't move from the spot.

"What if he hurts me?" you whispered, wishing you hadn't said it as soon as it escaped your lips.

"Has he hurt you before?" Tyrion asked, his brows furrowed as he watched you. You shook your head, still angry at your own suggestion. "Then what makes you think he would harm you now?" he continued.

"I don't know." You knew exactly why, it was a cruel thing to think of Jaime, he was your husband and you loved him more than anyone else in the world, but sometimes, when he was at his most angry he terrified you. He completely towered over you and his voice could be so loud and unquestionable and you were scared of him, no matter how much you didn't want to be.

"He loves you, Y/N, go to him," Tyrion told you with a small smile, and you nodded in response, finally turning and leaving his chambers.

You stood outside of your chambers for a while after you got there, too scared to open the door and find him waiting for you. He would know exactly where you had been, and it would bring about another argument, as it always did. You pressed your palms to the wooden door, giving it a sharp push and allowing yourself to cross the threshold into your shared chambers. "Jaime?" you whispered, seeing him sitting at the end of your bed, his head in his hands, "We need to talk," you continued.

"What is there to talk about?" he hummed, refusing to look at you as you took a few steps closer to him.

"Jaime, I love you, but, I can't live like this." He finally looked up, his eyes locking on yours and seeing the tears there. "We can't keep arguing about the same thing, I'm never going to stop spending time with Tyrion, and if you're never going to stop being paranoid about it then we are going to be miserable." You took the final step forward, pushing your way between his legs and feeling his arms wrap around you as he pressed his face into your stomach.

"You always cared more about him," he grunted against you, refusing to let you pull away from him.

"That's not true, and you know it," you growled back, smacking your hand lightly against the back of his head. "Why would I have married you if I loved your brother?" you added and he shrugged before speaking again. "Perhaps if you were to spend some time with both of us, together, you will see how innocent our friendship is." He moved his head away for a second, looking up at you in confusion.

"Tyrion wouldn't want me there," he started and you cut him off, putting your hand across his mouth to silence the words.

"Don't be ridiculous; he idolises you, you're his big brother," you told him, quickly crouching to press your lips to his as you pulled your hand away.

As you pulled away the room seemed to be silent, there was no sound from the streets outside, nor the other chambers in the red keep. "I'm sorry." Staring into Jaime's face you knew he was telling the truth, he didn't want to be like this, jealous and possessive, and he would get better. You gave him a soft smile before getting back to your feet, and pulling him up with you.

"Come on, I'm sure Tyrion is already on the wine, we might as well join him," you uttered, tugging his arm slightly until he gave in and followed willingly.

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