Loras Tyrell X Reader - Reluctant

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You had been friends with Margaery Tyrell since you were a little girl, and you had often found yourselves talking about what young Lords or Princes you would each marry, bickering over who the bravest knight or the prettiest Lady was. Gods, you'd even been taught to sew together. Your family were always invited to visit by Margaery's Grandmother, Olenna, who would smile at you and tell you what a beautiful bride you would someday make every time she saw you.

It was not until now, on your sixteenth name day, that you finally understood your family's connection to the Tyrells. You had been told by your Mother and Father that you were to marry Loras, your best friend's brother, and undoubtedly the most charming knight in the Seven Kingdoms. You had never been close to Loras, but you knew him well enough to know that he would be as unenthusiastic about your upcoming wedding as you were.

"I'm not marrying him," you told your parents who stared down the table at you in disbelief, as if you had grown a second head in the middle of a nice family dinner.

"Don't be ridiculous, Y/N? He is kind, and handsome, what more could you ask for?" Your mother was clearly shocked, her hand coming up to rest on her chest as she attempted to change your mind.

"He will make a good husband," your father added, before returning to his food.

"But I don't love him, and I don't want to marry him," you spoke more firmly causing your father's face to turn stormy as he stood from the table, his fist crashing down onto the hard wooden surface, causing you to jump slightly.

"You aren't going to ruin this for us," he bit out, face set in a mask of pure anger.  "You will marry the boy and you will give him children, as has been the plan since your mother brought you into this world," he added with a growl, causing you to flinch, tears pricking at your eyes. "He will come with Lady Olenna and Margaery tomorrow and you will travel back with them to High Garden," he added a little more calmly as he retook his seat.

"Yes, Father," you told him, looking down at the untouched food that sat on your plate, before pushing it away from you. "I no longer have an appetite. Can I be excused?" you asked quietly, watching as your father nodded, allowing you to walk from the Dining hall to your bedchamber in silence.

As you reached your bed, you allowed you tears to flow, sitting on the edge of your bed with your face buried into your hands as you sobbed uncontrollably. Sadness quickly shifted into anger as you threw your pillow at the door of your chamber, watching as they slumped to the floor. "Y/N Tyrell, it even sounds ridiculous," you growled to yourself, "Margaery will love it, we will finally be sisters for real," you let out a taught chuckle at the thought.

You soon grew tired, climbing into bed and pulling the covers tight around you as the thoughts of marrying some mysterious prince as had always dreamt drifted out of your grasp.

*Time skip*

The next morning, you were stood at the gates to your home, your hands clasped tightly in front of your stomach. You had never been a very patient person, and waiting around in the sun for your unwanted fiancé was grating on your nerves in the sticky heat. Your Father stood a few paces to your left, grunting and looking around like he had anything better to do than to sell off his daughter to the people with the most money.

Soon, the gates were pulled open and the Tyrell's were given entry to your home. As soon as the carriage came to a halt, the door was flung open and Margaery jumped into your arms, hugging you. "I've missed you, it's been far to long," she told you as she released you, seeing your puffy eyes and less than enthusiastic expression. She placed her hands on your bare arms, squeezing softly as her smile faded into a small frown, before moving away to great your Father.

Quickly after, you were greeted by Olenna and you forced a smile onto your face as began to exchange her pleasantries. "I'm so happy for you to be joining our family, although it feels as though you became one of us a long time ago," she told you with a large smile and you nodded at her before she also moved on to your Father.

Finally, Loras walked over, having dismounted his horse."Good morning," he spoke taking your hand in his to kiss it. You remained silent but gave a short nod, watching as he sent you a sad smile. "I see this is as much a shock to you as it was for me," he uttered, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.

"I didn't know of the arrangements until yesterday," you finally spoke, on the verge of tears as he nodded, squeezing the hand he still held softly.

"Come, Loras, we will eat before you have to leave for High Garden," your father called out, ignoring your presence as he waked back in to the large stone building which used to be your home, followed by your future family.

"Y/N?" Loras asked drawing you out of your thoughts, "Are you coming to eat?" he asked as he held his arm out for you to take. You finally nodded, ignoring his outstretched arm as you walked past him and into the great hall.

Soon, you were all sat around the dinner table where you life plan had fallen apart less than a day before. Olenna was sat at one end of the table with your parents, leaving you at the other end with your soon to be husband and your best friend. You pushed the food around your plate as the others talked, uninterested in what was going on around you.

"Did you hear that I am to go to King's Landing With Grandmother," Margaery told you, her happy expression returning in full. "If the King  takes a liking to me, I may even become Queen, what with all that happened with the Starks," she spoke again, trying to draw you into her conversation.

"And I shall be living in High Garden without you?" you asked, though it wasn't truly a question you wanted answered, watching as she nodded slightly, smile faltering. "I'm sure you will make a wonderful Queen," you told her when she only nodded again, her brows furrowing in confusion at your behaviour.

"You will be with Loras, a husband is much better than any silly old friend," she told you, trying to be supportive but unknowingly breaking your heart into a million pieces. "Besides, you can always come and visit me in King's Landing. And, if I become Queen you can come and live with me there," she told you.

"I don't want to live in King's Landing, Margaery. I want to live here with a husband who I actually love," you spoke quietly, your voice barely a hiss, and you watched as Margaery's face dropped.

"Well, at least it's Loras and not some scary knight, like Gregor Clegane," she told you, reaching out and resting her hand over your's as you looked at where they had joined. You suddenly felt bad for snapping at her. It wasn't like she had any say in your wedding, and here you were taking out your anger at her.

"I think it's time we were leaving," Olenna spoke from her spot on the other end of the table. All three of you nodded, standing from the table to head back outside.

You didn't say goodbye to your parents as you climbed into your carriage, ready to head off to a new life of marriage and children, ready to become a Lady of High Garden. 

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