Stannis Baratheon X Stark!Reader - Saviour (Requested)

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You could hear everything from the room you were sitting in. The screams of the soldiers as their lives were ended by the sea, the clang of metal against metal as they fought to survive. The door was locked, as it always was, and the room was dark except for the eery green illumination from the wildfire burning outside. It should have scared you to be alone, but in all honesty, it seemed better than the rest of the last six months you'd spent locked away in your chambers.

You had been kept prisoner here since your Father's execution, becoming the new plaything for the men of King's Landing. You had been visited by almost every knight who had been posted at the Red Keep as well as many different Lords. The king told you that this was your punishment for being born to a family of traitors, and it seemed that your sister Sansa's punishment was to marry him, though you were thankful as it kept her a lot safer than you were. Her husband to be visited you quite often though, using you before leaving you naked and locked in just as every other man had. You didn't have clothes, they had taken them from you when they left you here, it just seemed easier for the men who were to have you.

At this point, you were starving. Normally a serving woman would've brought you food by now, but since they found out about Stannis Baratheon's fleet heading their way they seemed to have forgotten you, or so you thought. You were huddled in the corner, the sounds of the explosions scaring you away from the windows where you had been watching the fighting, silently hoping that your sister would be kept safe if the King's forces were to fall. Gods, you hoped they would fall. 

Soon, it started to grow quite quiet. You stayed where you were, hearing the crackle of the wildfire and not much else, until someone tried to open the door to the chambers you were in. You made yourself as small as possible as tears ran down your face, and you cried out when the door flew off of its hinges, landing flat on the floor. After the large crash, the room fell silent again.

"Y/N Stark?" the deep voice called to you, making you flinch back into the wall. You knew what these men would do to you, what they would do to any woman they found. "Sansa told us we would find you here," he added pausing to let you think. "We are on your side in this war, you're safe now," he finished and you slowly opened your eyes to see Stannis Baratheon standing in front of your naked form. He quickly pulled the sheets off of the bed and moved to wrap them around you, though you flinched when he moved closer and he hesitated. "Here," he spoke reaching them out towards you, "Cover yourself up, your father would have killed me if I had you walking through the halls as bare as the day you were born," he told you with a small smile as you reached out to take them from him and wrap them around your shivering body. As he reached to help you up you flinched away again and he pulled away. "I'm sorry they have done this to you," he uttered as you struggled to stand by yourself.

"Where is Sansa?" you asked him, pulling the sheets tighter around you as you leaned unsteadily against the cold stone wall.

"She is with a friend of mine, Ser Davos, he'll keep her safe," he started, his hands still held up as though he was surrendering to you. "I will take you to her now if you want," he added and you nodded quickly. You needed to see her. As you followed him down the hallways towards Sansa you saw his soldiers watching you and you pulled the sheet around you tighter, moving quicker to walk beside him, hoping he would keep his promise of safety to you.

"Y/N," you heard Sansa cry as she ran to you, pausing when you stepped back away from her. "What did they do to you?" she added as tears welled in her eyes looking at your bruised face. You could tell that she felt terrible, she had been having tea and being a lady with the other women whilst you were beaten and raped under the same roof. She couldn't have done anything, you had come to terms with that a long time ago, but that didn't stop the guilt from creeping into her mind.

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