Khal Drogo x Baratheon!Reader

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A/N - Alternate timeline in which, before marrying Cersei, Robert Baratheon was married to another highborn lady who died birthing his daughter. When he died Cersei wanted his daughter, the true inheritant of the throne, gone, but before anything could happen she had disappeared.

Gods be damned. Of course you were fucking lost in the middle of the fucking desert. And with no water, food, or transport. You should have listened to the medicine man in the last village you had passed. It had been a few days ago at this rate, but he knew what he was talking about. "You won't last a week," he had rambled, his frail little body shaking as he laughed at you, and you were never one to ignore a challenge, especially not one as enticing as that; it used to drive your father half mad before he died. You had to give it to the old man, he was a smarter fucker than you had originally given him credit for.

"Stupid, old bugger," you muttered, kicking at the dust below your feet. You had been sitting on the spot for what seemed like hours, too tired and dehydrated to cry, but letting out dried up sobs every now and then. You couldn't see very far, the wind picking up clumps of earth and throwing them about, creating thick clouds of dirt. You could hardly see past an arms length, but you could hear for what seemed like miles.

Every now and then you would see some small lizard scuttle out of the dust clouds, rushing towards you only to halt and turn tail, running back to where they had come from. It was normal for you, to have people trying to leave. When you were young you were dubbed bad luck, avoided by almost everyone, and you had been travelling ever since, escaping the responsibility of adulthood.

A thundering of hooves is what shook you from your thoughts, bringing your head up and making you stare around in shock. You could hear yelling growing closer and you got to your feet, starting to walk in the opposite direction of the sounds. The noises grew louder and you sped up into a jog, eventually falling into a sprint. You hadn't gone far before you collided with something hard, sending you flying backwards into the dust. Glancing up you took in the figure before you, sitting atop a slender horse was a man, dark skinned and chiseled, unlike anyone you had ever seen before. His hair was longer than your own, plaited down to his waist. You scrambled to your feet, taking a few steps away as you stared at him. "Who are you?" you asked, but he just stared back at you, silent.

The sound of the hooves seemed to grow louder, surrounding you as you looked around at the men sitting on their horses. You could hear the men talking, and laughing, as they watched you and were caught off guard when the handsome stranger growled something at them, sending them all back into silence.

"Do you speak the common tongue?" one man spoke up, the sound seeming to come from nowhere through the thick dirt clouds.

"I do," you spoke softly, turning to where his voice came from and locking eyes with a man with shorter hair; he gave you a quick nod before dismounting and hurrying to your side. He began talking to the handsome stranger in a language you couldn't quite understand, watching as he looked you over. He let out a short sentence before turning his horse and riding away from the two of you.

"The Khal says you are to come with us," the man told you, gesturing for you to follow behind him as he walked to his horse in a few short strides.

"Who are you?" you repeated to him, not yet moving from your spot. The other men seemed to remain completely still as they watched you and you took a few steps closer to the one person who seemingly understood you.

"We are Dothraki, loyal to Khal Drogo," he told you, turning with a smile and offering you a hand to help you up onto his horse.

"I can't come with you," you exclaimed, staring at him in disbelief as he began to chuckle.

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