Khal Drogo X Reader - Temper (Requested)

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You had been down by the river, cleaning clothes for your khal and khaleesi, when the men had kidnapped you. The covered your mouth quickly to stop the screams which weren't coming. They dragged you out of earshot, still holding you tightly, all the way to there horses before tying you up. "Khal Drogo will like this one," one of the men uttered, his thick accent making his words seem powerful. His hand touched your chin lightly, tilting your head up to force you to look at him, but he wasn't prepared for your response. You spit as hard as you could, hitting him right in the centre of his face and leaving him to recoil from you, swiping at the wet spot in horror. He moved towards you again a few moments later, gripping your chin in his hand and roughly tipping it back to look down at you. "I'll teach you, you little-"

"Hold your temper," another man spoke from behind you causing a smirk to grace your face as your attackers eyes shifted to meet his. "The Khal will not want her if you make her ugly," he added and your face dropped in shock.

"Don't tempt me to take her myself," the first man grunted, turning to look back at down at you, a grotesque smile pulling at his lips.  "I could teach her a thing or two, and then slit her pretty throat. I'm sure we could find another whore to take her place," he joked, squeezing your face tighter in his grip as he laughed, the other man shook his head but joined in on the laughter.

"If I was a whore, there would be nothing new either of you could teach me," you growled. "I suggest you remove your hands from me if you aren't going to act on your words," you continued through gritted teeth, glaring up at him until he released your face. You looked away as he walked behind you to the other men, a small smile to gracing your lips. You knew how men like this worked, you had seen it first hand in your own Khalasar. You were an object to them and they only way to stop that was to fight back with words.

*Time Skip*

"Don't touch me," you growled at the surrounding men as you struggled with your bindings. You had been taken prisoner by the group of Dothraki blood riders a few miles back now and you had been stumbling behind the horse you were tied to, your arms aching from being tugged along for hours on end. The men around you moved away at your attempt to be threatening, they knew you would be easy to subdue if it was needed, but for now they let you talk on. You suddenly shambled to a stop as the people surrounding you halted at the edge of a village made of tents. You tripped, falling into the dust which coated the floor. As you were being untied you watched the people in the small village staring at you, speaking quietly among themselves. The talking turned to silence as you saw the giant of a man exiting his own tent. You could tell he was the Khal almost immediately, his long, thick braid falling down far past his waist.

"Bring her to me," he spoke and the other men moved to grab you and lift you from the ground until you glared up at them, stopping them from coming any closer as you rose to your feet on your own.

"I can walk," you grumbled as you rubbed at your aching wrists, trying to get some blood back into your, now almost numb, hands. "I don't need assistance." You heard another man from the group move towards you grabbing you and shoving you in the Khal's direction, making you go stumbling forward into the dust again.

"A whore should show her Khal respect," he growled as he kicked more dust into your face, leaving you laying on the floor until you rose on your own again.

"I am no whore, and he is not my Khal," you snarled at him, you dirt covered face stoney and unreadable as the man moved towards you again, his face red and angry until he was interrupted by a booming voice which seemed to split the air, leaving everyone silent again.

"Leave her be," he started before glancing down at your, now surprised, face. "You," he spoke again, pointing in your direction. "If you can move on your own, then come here," he told you, his lips tilting up slightly as you smiled at his comment, moving towards him with your head held high. He led you into his tent, moving to sit on his equivalent of a throne as you stood in the middle of the room. "Our Khalasar has no Khaleesi, so your servant skills will not be needed, I told the men to bring back whores and they brought me you," he uttered, gesturing in your direction, and watching as your face fell.

"I won't be bedded by your men; I wasn't at my Khalasar and I won't be here," you started, and his face turned into a grin, his eyes crinkling up as he leant forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees to look at you properly.

"What makes you think you are going to have a choice?" he paused for a moment, eyes roaming over your body. "My men choose who they fuck, most women don't get any say," he continued and your face turned red as you glared up at him.

"Then your men are no better than the horses they ride," you growled and he let out a deep chuckle as he watched your angry face. "And you must be a shit Khal," you added and his laugh trailed off, leaving you both in silence.

"You should learn to keep your temper in check," he told you, rising to his feet. "This 'shit Khal' is the only reason you're not laying dead in the dust," he added, taking a step in your direction. "I am not suggesting that I let anyone else fuck you," he told you as reached out to grip your chin in his hand, pulling your head up forcefully to look at him. "You will be my whore and you will not fuck anyone else. Do you understand?" he added and you looked up at him with a short nod. You pushed his hand from your chin without a second thought, standing up on your tiptoes to press your lips to his in a rough kiss.

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