Sandor Clegane X Stark!Reader - Little Light

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A/N -  This chapter started off being based on the song 'Smile' by Mikky Ekko but then it wasn't and it was just kind of based on an acoustic version of 'Little Light' by Lewis Watson. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Why do you insist on being so difficult?" Sandor grunted as he followed close behind you, wandering between trees and out towards the opening that would bring you ever closer to your mother and Robb. "Slow down, Y/N," he growled, reaching out to grab your arm and pulling you to a quick stop, causing you to stumble backwards into him.

"Hurry up, we're nearly there," you bit back, pushing at his chest and attempting to move away from him.

"There's no need to rush, they'll be there when we get there, either way." You had grown used to his grunting and groaning on your journey, though you were still uncertain why he had decided to bring you with him.

"Maybe there is no need for you, but I would like to see my mother as soon as possible. It's important to me," you uttered, slowing a little so that he could keep up. It usually wasn't an issue, but Sandor was a large man to say the least, and you were a slip of a woman; getting through the tight gaps between trees was far easier for you than it was for him.

He huffed before releasing your arm from his grip. "Fine." He pushed your back to move you along and followed behind you as fast as the forest would allow him to. It was another few minutes before you saw the top of the Twins, just in the distance, and you halted, causing Sandor to scramble to a stop, narrowly avoiding colliding with you. "What is it now?" he growled and you shrugged lightly, showing no sign of starting to walk again.

You turned quickly to face Sandor with a look of worry etched onto your face. "What if they aren't there?" you asked him softly and you could have sworn you saw his lips twitch into a small frown at the thought before he let out a deep chesty chuckle.

"They're hosting your uncle's wedding to the Frey girl, at least one person from your family will be there," he uttered when he had finally finished his laughter.

"I don't think I've ever met my uncle, it's hardly the same as my mother being there," you reminded him and he let out a deep breath.

"If they aren't here then I'll take you to Winterfell, though I doubt you want to be there now that the Greyjoy boy has it." You nodded softly at his words, you had assumed that he would dump you at the gate, collect some coin and leave, but now you had his word that he would stay. You had grown closer to him than you had ever imagined and he had made you feel safer on the road than you had ever felt in King's Landing.

"Thank you," you muttered to him, straightening your back and plastering your smile back on your lips before beginning to walk towards the Twins again. You didn't truly know what you were expecting to see when you passed through the tree line. Perhaps it was your mother, waiting with her arms held out to you, and Robb beside her. Or maybe crowds of people welcoming you and showing you the way to a warm bath and a proper meal. You were sure it would never have been what you actually saw.

Men littering the surrounding area for as far as the eye could see, blood sinking into mud and tents smouldering where they had been burnt to the ground. You could see the torn flags of Stark Bannermen dotted about among the carnage and you felt the bile rise up your throat as you dashed away from Sandor to vomit into the grass. You could hear the blood rushing in your ears and Sandor mumbling something behind you before you felt his large hand rest on your back, rubbing gently. "Come on, we have to go," he told you, looking on in confusion when you straightened up and shook your head at him.

"No, they might still be here," you choked out, the tears brimming in your eyes threatening to fall as you turned to face him.

"If you go in there, they'll kill you," he started, his hand coming to rest on your shoulder as you tried to start towards the Twins. "I haven't come all of this way for you to get yourself killed because you attempt to march on a castle without an army," he added, wrapping an arm around your waist and lifting you onto his shoulder before starting back into the forest.

Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora