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Y/n pov

I was walking down the hall with Lance. We had decided to catch up on some things. Like how I wasn't the youngest anymore. Or how mom got back together with Lance's dad. It's really good to hear about them. We walked into the living room area. Everyone was in there relaxing.

"hey guys, I'm guessing we don't have anything to do?" "yeah, we're all just relaxing." pidge answered. I walked over to the couch and sat down beside Keith. Lance sat down on the other side of me. "so what are we going to do now?" "I have an idea, how about we play a game?" pidge asked. For some odd reason, she was staring at me with a smirk on her face.

"sure what do you have in mind?" alura asked. "an earth game called truth or dare. Someone askes another person truth or dare, that person tells witch they would wrather do, and based on their answer, they ether have to do a dare are answer a question truthfully."

god. Why pidge? Why? "OK I'll go first, Y/n, truth or dare?" why pidge?! If I say truth she'll ask me something very personal, if a say dare she'll make me do something I would hate to do.  "truth?" I answer sounding like I was asking a question. "How much do you love your brother?" she asks. Well, that isn't so bad. "well he means a lot, if we were in I bad situation i'd  die for him, but so help me god if he keeps taking waffles ima kill him!" I say in a very serious tone. Everyone busted out laughing, while Lance had a look of terror. "hunk, truth or dare?" "dare, just nothing to bad." the cinnamon roll replied.

"I dare you to give every one a hug!" I say enthusiastically. Hunk then gave everybody a warm hug.  "lance, truth or dare?" "truth, I don't trust dares coming from you or pidge!" lance answers. I wonder why? "what would you do if  a random guy showed up and tried to kiss ?"

"I'd punch him in the stomach and throw him into space." the Cuban boy answered. Well at least he won't torture anyone. "pidge, truth or dare?" "dare me, I ain't a chicken!" the short girl replied. "I dare you to do an impression of three people in here." oh boy. "Hehe, this is gonna be fun!" pidge exclaimed before messing with her hair. "Coran Coran the gorgeous man! " she yelled skipping around the room, getting giggles from everyone ,even Coran. She stopped and messed with her hair again before pointing finger guns at alura. "the names lance ~" That got me to laugh a little harder. She messed with her hair again before slouching and giving an emo expression. "my names Keith, and I'm so emo!" 
I swear I died laughing. Out of the corner of my eye I swore I saw Keith blushing at me. Oh shit is he embarrassed?!

"Keith, truth or dare?" pidge exclaimed. "truth" "Have you ever thought of one of us as cute?" and that my friend, is why you don't trust pidge. "yes " he answered bluntly with the most serious face I've ever seen. Oh shit, he's not joking. "shiro, truth or dare?" "truth" shiro answers. "what's your favorite color?" "well its purple." wait purples my color!

"alura, truth or dare?" "dare, I find this to be quiet fun!" she answers with joy. "I dare you to tell us what the funniest word is in altain." "oh! Well it's actually quite ironic, you see, it sounds like you say buggr but it's pronounced biugr and actually means 'I adore you'" the princess explains.

We continue to play like this, and some where along the way I fell asleep.

Time skip brought to you by the magic of Christmas !

I woke up slowly, not opening my eyes yet. I felt warm and comfy, but I could tell I wasn't in my bed. I opened one eye to see where I was. When I looked, I saw I was in the lounge, I lifted my head and instantly blushed.  I was laying on top of Keith.

I raised up, only to fall back on to him. Unfortunately he woke up and then began the most embarrassing moment of my life. After we got up and went our separate ways, we didn't say anything to each other for the rest of the day.

Lance seemed grumpy all day. Pidge was giving me a look as if she knew something I didn't. And hunk was acting very nervous. I wander what happened while I was asleep?

Keith's Pov

I was a bit nervous after that game of truth or dare. In the middle of the game pidge dared me to kiss y/n
while she was asleep. And hopefully she won't find out.

We'll be back on track heading to the bom base in the next few days. So we have to relax while we can. Something tells me we won't be able to that much anymore.

Hi! Sorry it took so long! But I'll try and update quicker next time. And as always vote follow and goodbye my wolf pups 💜💜💜💜💜🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺

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