ch 7

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   Ok. This is a lot to take in.i was just pacing back and forth through the controle room of the castle. We had gotten back after Keith stoped red from attacking the blade of marmora's, or the b.o.m's, base.

    Kolivan was aperiantly my dad, and Keith was part galra, you can see where this gets a little confusing. It hurt my head thinking about it so I started banging my head on the wall. "you're gonna get a concussion doing that." I jumped and pulled out my sword. But when I turned to see who it was. it was just Keith.

"Sorry if I startled you, you look like you just got hit in the head by a brick" he said. I laughed at his comment, but new it was true. I was really stressed about this whole situation. I've been in space, what, 8 years and never knew I was part alien? On top of that I'm supposed to be helping these guys save the universe, oh and did I forget to mention my dad was a giant space cat.

"Yeah, it's been a weird few days. Aren't you supposed to be talking with the space cats?" "Hehe, space cats?" He laughed at what I had said. "Nah aluras just tying up a few loose ends before they leave, then were headed elsewhere. "

I leaned up against the wall thinking. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Keith starring at me, but brushed it off. I was brought back to reality when the others walked in.

"I'm bored, what do you guys wanna do?" Pidge asked. "We could play hide and go seek." Suggested lance. Of course he would pick the chiefs game. "Or we could play hide and go seek tag!" My eyes lit up at the mention of my favorite game. "Yes! Let's play that!" I said excitedly. They all laughed but agreed.

So everyone but pidge ran off to hide. I ran to the hanger and climbed up onto a ledge. I waited there for a few minutes but heard someone in the vent next to me. I listened and heard lance and pidge mumbleing. I jumped down right before they piped out of the vent and ran. Lance having longer legs than pidge ran after me. But I was to fast.

I ran for about another ten minutes before I felt myself getting slower, and lance was right on my tail. I turned a corner but was suddenly pulled to the side. I looked up to see Keith. A door had shut and lance had ran right by.

"Thanks." I breathed out. He nodded before turning and sitting on a box like thing in the corner of the small room. We sat there in silence for a few moments before we noticed a light coming from the small vent in the corner. In I rush I grabed Keith and pulled him into a locker type thing.

Moments later pidge came out of the vent looking around before walking out the door to see both hunk and lance. I stayed as quiet as a mouse. I felt Keith stiffen up behind me.

They left after asking if they had found either one of us. I waited a bit before pushing on the door to the locker, but it wouldn't budge. "Shit!" I whispered. "What?" "I can't get the damn thing open." I answered crossing my arms. I didn't like this situation one bit.

Keith tried pushing on it from behind me but it was still Stuck."we'll just have to wait until they find us." He said. I sighed before moving and trying to get comfortable. "Please don't move." Keith said. "We're in a tight space, and your brushing up against me when you move." I stiffened realizing what he meant and stoped moving.

We had been there for at least an hour now. My legs were getting weak and I sliped and pressed up against Keith. "Gah!" "Sorry!" I apologised. I felt something poking my lower back and stiffened. "Please tell me that's your dager....." I said in a worried tone. "It most certainly isn't." He answered. I gulped trying not to move. "I'm sorry I got us into this mess...." I said leaning my head on the locker door. "Its ok, you didn't mean to." He relaxed a bit laying his chin on my head. "So..." "so..... remember when we played truth or dare with everyone?" He asked. I nodded. "Well..... after you fell asleep pidge got a little crazy with the dares. And...... she kinda........dared me to kiss you." My eyes widened when he said that. "What!!!!!" I screamed. "I'm sorry, pidge wouldn't stop pestering me till I did it, and I didn't want them to wake you up." He explained. I sighed. "Its fine, it was just a dare. Though I would have liked my first kiss to be on better terms." I said crossing my arms. "That was your first kiss?" "Yeah..." it was silent for a bit. "I'll make it up to you." I smiled slightly thinking of how great a guy keith is. "Ok."

We were stuck in there for at least 3 and a half hours before they found us. "Finnaly!!! We've been looking for you guys forever. We even got alura and coran to help." Pidge stated while I stretched. Keith was facing the wall away from everyone. Everyone walked out talking about how. They shouldn't play unless me and Keith weren't here. I turned to Keith before following them. "You gonna be ok?" I asked him. "Yeah, I just have to take care of something." He said. I blushed remembering what had happened in the locker, before nodding and walking off. That must have been painful.

Ok guys, this may be a little late but I said I would update today and that's what I'm doing. Like always I hope you enjoyed, so like, fallow, and goodbye my wolf pups♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺

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