Part One- Chapter One

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Authors note-
Hi! Welcome to You're Safe With Me!

A tiny bit of context for any new readers- This book is currently undergoing HEAVY editing! It's still readable regardless, but just be aware that there may be the occasional shift in quality. I wrote this 6-7 years ago, so I've decided to edit quite heavily to bring it a little more up to speed with what I would consider good quality now!

Unfortunately for my re-readers, me editing this and changing bodies of text means that your wonderful comments get removed :( This was actually the only thing that put me off of editing, so I really hope that you guys can replace what's been lost!

Regardless of all of this, this story is something that I hold very dear to my heart. I truly hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it :)

I'm done with my rambling now, so please welcome to You're Safe With Me...

One hell of a ride...

PART ONE-  Old Friends

"Oh god, why am I always late?" Alice mumbled to herself as she sprinted at top speed through Kings Cross station, pulling her heavy case behind her making the wheels squeak in protest. It was as if her case were screaming that it couldn't move any faster, the wheels threatening to fly off on every bump she dragged it over. Her feet pounded against the ground as she yelled apologies to people pushed out of her way, truly a woman on a mission.

Running as fast as her legs could take her and narrowly avoiding knocking over passers-by, she started counting the train platforms in her head as she sped past them, her hair whipping behind her.

Six, seven, eight, nine! 

Without slowing her speeds even a fraction she headed straight at the wall known to be the entrance to platform nine and three-quarters, thanking herself that she asked her father to remind her where it was. That conversation had probably saved her having a nasty accident running full speed in to solid brick.

Returning to Hogwarts with a broken nose probably wouldn't be the best look.

Having such a fortunate upbringing wasn't lost on Alice Lonen. Her father being a kind, compassionate man who had given everything he could to raise his daughter well was something that she was truly grateful for.

It had been six years since Alice had received her Hogwarts acceptance letter, the thought of that day still bringing a smile to her face even now. She had sprinted down the stairs so fast that her feet only touched half of them to reach her owl, yanking the letter open with such ferocity that the bird had let out a disapproving squawk.  

The wait for the beginning of term had her practically jumping off the walls, her house suddenly seeming far too small to contain her. There wasn't enough space to account for the sheer excitement that rolled off of her in waves, the non-stop grinning taking a toll on her cheeks. Even years on, there was still something so vivid in how astounded she had been when the magnificent Hogwarts castle was finally before her, viewed with wide eyes from a boat travelling across the black lake. It had seemed so incomprehensibly grand to the child, lights pulsing through some of the windows as if the castle itself was greeting her. A warm welcome that was such a contrast to the inky, starless sky. 

The letter she had written home to tell her father she was in Gryffindor had been scribbled on with such excitement that the quill had broken through the paper in places, but she hadn't cared at all. 

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