Chapter Twenty-Two

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For a moment none of the death eaters moved, all of them (other than Draco) seeming to relish in Dumbledore's demise. Of course they would be, killing Dumbledore had always seemed impossible, but it was done. One of the biggest threats to their plans was simply gone.

Beneath the top deck Alice had her arms wrapped around Harry, trying desperately to hold him still so he didn't run up to the top deck in an attempt to attack Snape and end up getting himself killed. It was quite hard considering that Harry was rather strong and Alice was rather, well, not, but she was managing okay.

What Alice didn't know was that Harry's thoughts had travelled back to how he was in the same position when his Godfather died, Remus Lupin holding him back, and that only fuelled the young man's anger even more.

"We need to leave." Snape spoke in his horribly monotone voice, emotionless even though he had just ended someones life. Harry's burning anger was almost palpable as he thrashed in Alice's arms. How dare Snape kill someone who trusted him?

With all of her might Alice pulled Harry back in to the shadows to avoid being seen by the death eaters descending the stairs to leave the tower. All of the death eaters had left other than Draco and Snape, who were still stood on the top deck, Draco hadn't moved an inch, as if someone had frozen him. The only thing moving where his robes and messy hair being blown by the biting wind.

Snape went to place a hand on Draco's arm, but Draco jumped away. Snape glared.

"Come, we need to leave immediately." Snape demanded, Draco didn't move, or even look his Godfather in the eye. "Draco, now." It wasn't a question.

"I'll catch up." Draco responded quietly, looking to the spot where Dumbledore fell from the tower and having that sick feeling come back to him, turning in his stomach.

"No, we are leaving n-" Snape began, but was quickly cut off.

"Could you just give me a damn minute!?" Draco snapped, clearly emotional. After a moment of considering his options, Snape gave a curt nod before walking down the stairs and leaving through the door. As soon as he was gone Alice let go of Harry, who immediately went after Snape, pulling the door open.

"Harry!" She called, her friend paused at the door to look back at her. "Just... just don't get yourself killed, okay?" She asked. Harry nodded before running out the door in pursuit of Snape.

Alice couldn't imagine what Harry was going through. First his parents, then his Godfather and now this?

As soon as Harry left Alice ran up the stairs as fast as her legs could take her, right in to Draco's open arms where he held her as if he hadn't seen her in years, and as if he'd never see her again. She pulled back from the hug to hold his face in her hands, his arms still wrapped tightly around her waist.

"I couldn't do it," He almost whispered, his voice hoarse from all of the crying he had done. "I-I couldn't kill him, I was meant to-"

"Shh," Alice cut him off gently, rubbing her thumb over his cheekbone. "You're okay, it's okay, we're okay, yeah?" Draco nodded, leaning his face further in to her hand. From up close Alice could see the dried tear tracks that ran down his face, as well as the redness in his eyes making him look a horrible mix of both heartbroken and utterly exhausted. As much as Alice wanted to stay here and make sure Draco was okay, she knew that they had to get going if they were going to evade the death eaters that wanted to take Draco with them. "We need to go somewhere they won't find us, okay?" Again, Draco simply nodded.

Alice grabbed Draco's hand and lead him down the stairs and in to the school hallways. As much as she loved Hogwarts, it was an awfully inconvenient time for the school to be as huge as it is.

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