Chapter Twelve

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"Hey, Nev." Alice said as she entered the common room from her dorm, where she had been reading a muggle book that Hermione had left behind. It was about a werewolf who falls in love with a human, but Alice didn't quite understand why Hermione liked it so much. It was horribly inaccurate. 

Neville was sat on the sofa in front of the fire with a book in his hand and a frown on his face. He and Alice had become closer over winter break, due to them being pretty much the only two Gryffindor's from their year remaining at Hogwarts. Of course they knew each other beforehand, but spending time alone together has made a nice friendship bloom between the two of them.

"Hey," He replied, sounding zoned out.

"What're you reading?" She asked, throwing herself rather ungracefully on to the couch next to him. Neville lifted his book with a grim expression on his face so that she could see the cover, seeing that its the defence against the dark arts books that Snape makes them study from. "Ah, poor you."

"Why does everything have to be so stressful at the moment? It's nearly Christmas! I should be eating tonnes of food and not having a care in the world! Instead I'm worrying about stupid homework and some girl who doesn't even like me back!" He exclaimed, throwing the book on to the coffee table before placing his head in his hands, letting out a frustrated groan.

"I agree with you on the homework bit, it's stupid and Snape is a demon, but are you kidding? Nev, Luna obviously likes you back!" Alice replied, making Neville look at her in doubt. "I'm not kidding! How can you not see it?" 

"Well, Luna's really pretty, right? And if she's pretty then why would she go for me?" He asked, sadness evident in his voice. Alice sighed, putting a comforting arm around him. First Hermione and Ron, now Neville and Luna, why can't her friends just admit that they like each other?

"Yeah, of course Luna is pretty, but you're a catch, Nev!"

"Yeah, right." He replied with a snort, not believing her at all.

"I'm serious! You just have to have faith in yourself, what're you scared of?" She asked, causing her friend to sigh for what felt like the millionth time.

"I could get rejected." He stated, making Alice laugh softly, causing him to look up and raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Oi, what's so funny?"

"Sorry, Nev, but there's no way that Luna would reject you. She's so obviously in to you, I'm baffled that you can't see that for yourself" She admitted. Standing from the soft, squishy sofa, she turned to her friend. "Just try to have a bit more confidence, okay? You're amazing, and don't you forget it."

Neville smiled a genuine smile, a lot of the stress having left his face, which Alice returned before making her way out of the common room. As per usual, she was on her way to see Draco in the library.

The school hallways were practically empty, the long winding paths would've been scary had Alice not known she was safe here. Even though the school was huge, it was actually quite easy to navigate, especially considering how often she had been going to the library recently thanks to a certain Slytherin.

The tranquil quiet was broken, however, by the sound of angry voices from around the corner. Alice slowed to a halt, trying to keep as quiet as possible, wanting to hear what was going on. 

"I can't keep doing this! I'm losing my mind!" Alice instantly recognised the voice. Draco. His voice was loud, anger and fear throughout it. Instantly Alice felt sick, wanting to reveal herself so that she could comfort him, but knowing that wasn't the best idea. 

"Language." The voice that replied was also unmistakable, Snape. Against Draco's yelling, his voice remained the same monotone drone that it had always been. There was an anger bubbling up in Alice directed towards Snape, clearly he was making Draco do something that made him unhappy. "You don't have a choice. You have been assigned this task and you will complete it." 

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