Chapter Twenty-One

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As Alice was running up the stairs to reach the astronomy tower, a few things occurred to her. One was that she needed to work out more, but more importantly she was mentally cursing herself for not thinking to bring Harry's invisibility cloak. If she was caught out this late at night, especially with the staff aware of a potential attack, she truly was in for it. 

Finally reaching the top deck of the astrology tower, Alice looked around quickly, worried that someone was watching her from the shadows. Even though she knew that if someone was here they would've made a move by now, she drew her wand just in case, mostly just to make herself feel better. The wind was harsh from all the way up here, and she was on full alert despite constantly having to re-tuck her hair behind her ears. 

There was no sign of Dumbledore or Harry for a good few minutes, and Alice's panic was truly beginning to set in when she heard the familiar crack of someone apparating behind her. Quickly, she spun around, only to be met with Harry basically supporting the full weight of a very unwell-looking Dumbledore. His skin was as white as a sheet, and it looked like he could barely stand as he held on to Harry's arm.

Clearly whatever they had done to get that horcrux had been bad, and Alice was honestly worried for Dumbledore's health.

"Oh my god," She muttered, running over and supporting the Professor's other side, afraid that they'd tip over. When Dumbledore took Alice's hand, she could feel how cold the Professor was.

"We need to get you to the hospital wing, sir," Harry announced, sounding horribly out of breath. Alice noticed tearing on his shirt and a cut on his cheek, but other than that he looked fine causing Alice to relax slightly. "To Madame Pompfrey."

Dumbledore broke away from his student's arms and moved to rest against a small stone bench, shaking his head. Even that seemed strenuous to him. 

"No," He replied weakly, his breathing laboured. "Severus, Severus is who I need. Wake him, tell him what happened. Speak to no one else." Neither Harry or Alice made a move to go and find the teacher, neither wanting to leave Dumbledore alone, but the man insisted. "Severus, you two." 

They ran to the stairs leading to the bottom deck of the astrology tower, pausing when they heard what sounded like explosions. The two of them shared a knowing look.

The death eaters were in Hogwarts. 

"Hide yourselves below," Dumbledore ordered, pushing himself off of the bench in to a standing position. Both Alice and Harry could see his the Headmasters knees shake at holding himself up, making Alice and Harry want to rush back and help. "Do not speak or be seen by anybody without my permission." He continued, placing a hand on his lower back in pain, Alice noticed that the hand he was using was black. "Whatever happens, it is imperative that you stay below. Both of you, do as I say." When the students gave him one last, pleading look as they heard a door open, the Professor gave his last order. "Trust me."

Harry and Alice descended the stairs to the left of the platform, hiding below and looking up through a gap between the lower and upper deck of the tower. They could see up, but nobody could see down unless they were specifically looking.

Alice took Harry's hand and gave it a squeeze. Although she had no idea what her best friend had just gone through, it was clear to her that it had taken a toll on him.

Looking up through the gap in the floor they watched as Draco made his way on to the platform, his wand drawn and pointed at Dumbledore. Alice had to fight down the feeling of being sick, as did Draco.

As he was approaching Dumbledore he was putting all of his concentration in to making sure his hand didn't shake and show just how terrified he was, but Draco had a feeling that Dumbledore already knew exactly how he felt. The man seemed to know everything.

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