Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Harry, Ron, Hermione, Alice and Draco all gathered around the kitchen, looking at what Hermione was holding up in her slightly shaky hand. It was one of Bellatrix's hairs, which Hermione planned to add to a polyjuice potion in order to become Bellatrix and enter her vault. The hair had been taken when Bellatrix was interrogating her back at Malfoy Manor, since Hermione was always a few steps ahead and knew it could come in handy.

"Are you sure that's hers?" Ron asked, leaning forwards to inspect the dark, curly hair. 

"Positive." Hermione replied, not looking as though the idea of becoming Bellatrix really appealed to her, but knowing that it had to be done.

Alice had already put some makeup on Ron, as well as used a spell to change his face shape slightly and make his hair brown, disguising the recognisable ginger. As well as that, she had put facial hair on him to further disguise him. Although, if someone knew Ron really well, it might be possible to tell who it is, it was very unlikely that he would be recognised.

"Are you going to change anything, Alice?" Harry asked, he was going under the invisibility cloak with Griphook, so he didn't need to change his appearance. Alice shook her head.

"My face isn't well known like you guys, I don't really think I'll need to." She explained, aware that her face wasn't half as well-known as the golden trio's.

It wasn't as though she had made no effort, she was dressed in long, black robes with dark makeup around her eyes, she certainly looked the part of a death eater.

Obviously, Draco didn't need to change anything about his appearance. If anything, it was good that he was there, since it would make Hermione's version of Bellatrix more believable.

"So, just to go over the plan again, Hermione will take the polyjuice potion to become Bellatrix, and she can use Bellatrix's real wand that Alice took from the Manor." Harry began relaying the plan, just to make sure no one forgot what they were meant to be doing. "Hermione will ask to see her- well, Bellatrix's- vault, and they don't have any reason to say no."

As Harry was speaking, Hermione was adding Bellatrix's hair to the polyjuice potion. The potion bubbled and spat, turning a horrible grey colour, which looked less than appetising.

"What am I meant to do?" Ron, who didn't really look like Ron, asked.

"Just look intimidating, try to be scary." Harry suggested, making Draco scoff loudly.

"I'd be more intimidated by a puppy." Draco murmured, receiving an angry glare from Ron.

"Malfoy-" Ron warned, being cut off by Alice.

"Yes! Look like that! Real angry." She joked, diffusing the tension between the two. Hermione picked the polyjuice potion up, preparing to take a swig of it. Clothes similar to what Bellatrix would wear were already hung over the back of a nearby chair, so Hermione simply had to take the potion and change.

"No offence, Granger, but there's a million things I'd rather see then you transform in to my aunt. I'm waiting outside." Draco spoke, kissing Alice's cheek before heading out the front door.

"I've got to change, so you two can leave, too." Hermione spoke to Ron and Harry, who nodded and left the house. "Not you, Alice, there's no way I can get that dress on by myself." She added, nodding to the dress that was hung over the back of the chair. Once the boys had left the house, Hermione drunk the potion.

The change began instantly, Alice watching with morbid fascination as the Hermione she knew and loved disappeared and was replaced with a woman who she wanted to strangle. Hermione's face twisted with discomfort as she changed, it only took a minute before she had fully transformed in to Bellatrix.

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