Chapter Thirty-One

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"Come on! No time for dawdling, the wedding is tomorrow!" Molly exclaimed, shoving a bouquet in to Ron's hands and waving her hand at him as a dismissal. Ron walked off aimlessly with the flowers, not really knowing where he was meant to put them, but not wanting to get on his very stressed mother's bad side.

The wedding of Bill and Fleur was the next day, and although the preparations had been happening for weeks, everyone seemed to be rushing around today, overwhelmed with the tasks that were still left to do. Everyone was helping get ready in one way or another, including Alice, who was on cleaning duties. Some of Fleur's family were to be staying in the burrow, they were arriving that day, and Mrs Weasley wanted everything to be spotless.

Taking a vase of blue flowers off of the table, Alice made her way over to the window in the living room, placing them gently on the windowsill (which she had already dusted meticulously). Glancing outside, she couldn't help but have her eyes drawn to Draco.

Unlike Alice, who was cleaning inside, Draco was one of the people who was helping clear the garden, since the ceremony was to be held in a marquee outside. It was hard work, though, especially in the midday, summer heat without shade. Clearly taking a break, Draco was stood chatting to Bill, who in true Bill fashion, was probably the least stressed out of everyone despite it being his wedding.

Draco had clearly been putting in a lot of effort, that much was evident from how messy his hair had become and the light sheen of sweat on his forehead. He was in a short sleeved shirt, exposing the muscles on the top of his arm that were prominent as he held his arm up, shielding his eyes from the sun as he chatted to Bill. Not really being able to look away, Alice watched Draco run his hand through his already messy hair.

"You're drooling." A voice came from behind Alice, making her jump. Turning, she was met with Ginny, who had a rather amused look on her face.

"I'm allowed." Alice replied jokingly. Ginny, too, glanced out the window.

"You know, I hate to say it, but he is rather attractive, isn't he?" She whispered, with Alice nodding in agreement. "Don't tell Harry I said that, though." She added quickly, and completely seriously.

"Your secret's safe with me, Gin." Alice laughed. Knowing that Mrs Weasley wouldn't be too happy with the girls standing around chatting, they both went back to work.

"Oh, goodness. They're here." Molly announced, looking out of the window in the kitchen, fear in her voice. Harry and Ron happened to be making their way down the stairs as Molly spoke, already knowing that by 'they', Molly meant Fleur's family.

The front door opened to reveal Bill, who had clearly tried to look neater than usual, leading the Delacour's in. There was an older man and woman who Alice assumed to be Fleur's parents, as well as a younger girl who looked to be about Ginny's age, maybe a year younger. Clearly Fleur's little sister, it was obvious that good looks ran in the family. The girl was a stunning blonde with gorgeous facial structure, her absolutely perfect skin almost radiant. It was the kind of beauty that was so gorgeous it was almost intimidating.

Mrs Weasley started chatting to the Delacour family, making pleasant small talk about their trip and how they were finding England. Although all of them were fluent in English, their pretty accents were still very much clear.

"Do you reckon we should go and introduce ourselves?" Harry asked quietly as he and Ron shuffled uncomfortably over to where Alice and Ginny were standing. The four of them huddled together awkwardly, unsure of what to do with themselves in a social interaction.

"What are we meant to say?" Ron asked, "Thanks for creating the baguette?"

Their uncomfortable huddle was saved, however, when Bill called them over.

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