Chapter Twenty

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Draco sat on his bed in his dorm, leaning against the headboard with a closed book in his lap, using the hard cover of the book as a make-shift table to write his letter. Blaise was out doing who-knows-what, so it was just Draco, his parchment and his quill. Honestly, it was quite relaxing.

At breakfast that day he had received a letter from his father, he knew who it was from without even opening it due to the wax seal being a depiction of the Malfoy's family crest, which was never what people expected.

Usually when people thought of the Malfoy's they thought of snakes, but since the Malfoy's didn't support Voldemort by choice, their crest was different to what people would assume. It was a depiction of a wolf on an intricate shield, and Draco had always been rather fond of that.

When he got the letter he abandoned his breakfast and practically ran back to his room to read it, utterly baffling some of the younger students in the Slytherin common room as he ran past like a man on a mission.

Due to the Dark Lord's grip on power growing, Lucius hadn't been able to write to his son much throughout the school year, since he had to be absolutely sure that the letters weren't being intercepted and read by Voldemort. It was hard since, despite putting on his cold exterior in front of others, Lucius really did care for Draco. As soon as he decided it was safe he wrote a short letter to his son, constantly checking over his shoulder in case he was being watched.


My apologies for not writing sooner, but you know the situation. Your Mother and I are doing everything in our power not to get on the Dark Lord's bad side, we mustn't show him our weaknesses.

He's getting impatient, you must finish the vanishing cabinet as soon as possible, I fear what he shall do to us if you don't.

Good luck,

Your Father.

Draco had re-read the letter about three times, honestly just happy that nothing bad had happened to his Mother or Father yet. The lack of communication had really made him worry.

He placed clean parchment against the back of the book and began writing a response, concentrating on keeping his hand steady. Although he was writing rather quickly, he was still trying to use good penmanship to impress his Father.


I've finished the cabinet, I'm ready to complete my task. I hope that you and Mother stay safe, please try to be careful.

Draco paused for a few minutes before writing the next section of his letter, mulling over the best way to word what he was going to say. For some reason he was nervous, holding his breath as he wrote.

I know that I'm meant to go with the Death Eaters and escape Hogwarts, but I'm beginning to think that I can't do that. I've fallen in love, Father, and I don't want to be separated from her. I'm sorry if this disappoints you.

Stay safe,


With a large sigh (and after considering re-writing the letter about five times) Draco placed it in an envelope and headed to the owlery to send his letter. He envied those who's dorms were above ground, as they could send letters from their windows whereas he had to cross half of the grounds of Hogwarts since there's no windows in the dungeons. It was a real pain when he wanted to talk to Alice late at night, but of course he'd do it for her.

As he walked he let himself process what he had written in his letter. He had admitted that he loved Alice, albeit to his Father and not to the girl herself, but that was still something.

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