Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"So, William, where are we off to?" Alice asked as the two walked arm-in-arm over the field out the back of the burrow. Something that Alice had grown rather fond of was using Bill's real name, William, as she was well aware of how much it annoyed him. Although he scowled slightly when she said it, Bill knew that there was little to no point in telling her to stop.

"Your boyfriend requested me to escort you to a location." He said carefully, being sure to give nothing away. This made Alice frown, considering she didn't like surprises at all.

"Y'know, you can just tell me and I'll act surprised when we get there, I'm really good at it!" She attempted to persuade Bill, who glanced down at her, clearly amused.

"He said that you'd try and get it out of me. I'm not breaking, so don't try it." This made Alice pout, but figuring that Bill wasn't going to break, she decided to change the subject.

"So, are you excited about the wedding?" Alice asked as they made their way away from the burrow, Bill nodded.

"Of course. I mean, obviously there are better situations to have a wedding in, but we want to marry each other. If this is our opportunity then okay, we take it." He explained, before adding, "We can't let our lives be governed by fear."

Alice simply nodded in response, agreeing with Bill but unable to add anything on to what he had said. She was glad Bill was around, there had to be at least one relaxed person, or everyone would go quite mad.

Eventually, they came to a stop at the top of a dirt path, leading through some rather tall, and rather intimidating, trees. Bill turned to Alice, letting go of her arm.

"Well, this is where I leave you. Just follow this path, you'll be there in less than a minute." He instructed, patting Alice on the shoulder before heading back in the direction that the two had come from. Alice looked apprehensively at the path through the trees, but realised that she actually had very little choice.

Internally she was wishing that she had brought her wand as she made her way down the path, just in case, of course. These worries were quickly washed away, however, when she emerged through the other side of the trees, gasping at the view.

This was clearly the lake that had been mentioned, it was large and surrounded by a barrier of tall trees, as if it were a little magical secret that the rest of the world wasn't allowed to know. The soft ripples on the water were reflecting the orange sunset as they ran across the waters surface, the trees swaying gently in the warm, evening breeze.

Her eyes then travelled to the small wooden dock and Draco leaning against the post at the end of it in his black suit, a smile appearing on his face when he saw Alice. Not being able to help but smile herself, she made her way down to the dock and in to his already open arms. Draco wrapped his arms around her and easily lifted her from the floor, spinning the two of them around before gently placing her back on the dock.

"Well, hello there, gorgeous." He murmured before dipping down to kiss her, then taking a step back to admire her outfit. "You look amazing, sweetheart."

"You don't look too bad yourself." She replied, quite enjoying the view of Draco in his suit. "So, what's this all about? Bill wouldn't tell me anything." She admitted with a small pout, making Draco chuckle.

"Because I asked him very nicely not to." At Draco's words, Alice gasped dramatically, placing a hand on her heart.

"You can be nice?!" She asked, feigning shock. Draco tried to glare at her, but the small smile playing on his lips gave him away.

"Are you done being mean, yet?" He asked, amused. Alice nodded, gesturing for him to carry on. "You're here because I realised that I'm a terrible boyfriend."

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