Part Two- Chapter Twenty-Three

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PART TWO- On The Run

After being pulled through the warping tunnel of the portkey, Draco and Alice landed rather unceremoniously on a hard wooden floor. Alice had landed directly on top of Draco, essentially squishing him. She quickly sat up in an attempt to have less of her weight on him, but then realised that she was just straddling him.

"Why, hello there," Draco said seductively, smirking up at the girl who was sat on his lap. Alice scoffed, smacking him gently in the chest.

"Now is not the time." She stood from the ground, offering a hand out to Draco and pulling him up, too. 

They were stood in a bedroom, but the issue was, neither of them had any clue where the bedroom was. The floors were wooden, a somewhat shaggy red carpet covering a small section of the centre of the room. A wooden four-poster double bed was against the wall, slightly off-white sheets on the top of it. There was a large wardrobe which sported the same dark wood as the bed, and a dresser with a mirror to match. The room was also rather tiny, only just about fitting the furniture that it held in. It was brightly coloured, though, and the walls were covered in frames that didn't have photos yet.

"I'm guessing you don't know where we are, either?" Draco asked, more to confirm what he already guessed than anything. He didn't like this, and all of his belongings were still back at Hogwarts, which put him on edge. 

"Nope, not a clue."

They heard the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway towards them, and they both instinctively drew their wands. Although Alice knew that her father wouldn't send her somewhere unsafe on purpose, there were death eaters everywhere nowadays.

Well, technically speaking there was one right next to Alice, but he didn't really count.

The door burst open to reveal a short, somewhat robust woman with bright ginger hair pointing her wand right back at them.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The woman demanded, her eyebrows drawn together. With hair like that, Alice knew exactly who she was.

"You're Mrs Weasley, right?" Alice asked, lowering her wand. After hanging out with Ron and Ginny of course she could see the resemblance. Mrs Weasley nodded. "I'm Alice Lonen, I'm friends with Ron and Ginny?"

Mrs Weasley lowered her wand instantly, rushing over to embrace Alice in a hug. It was somewhat unexpected, but she was hardly going to push the woman off of her.

"Everyone's said so much about you, dear! It's a pleasure to meet you." Mrs Weasley pulled back, cupping Alice's face in her hands. "Don't you look just like your father?" She said in a motherly way. Taking a step back she properly noticed Draco's presence in the room, of course already knowing who he is. 

Not really knowing how to react, Mrs Weasley simply brushed over Draco's presence. Not in a rude or spiteful way, she was just rather bombarded. Out of all the people in the wizarding world, this was the last one that she had expected to find in her home.

"Sorry, Mrs Weasley, where are we? My father didn't say where he was sending us." Alice asked causing Molly to chuckle, knowing Alice's fathers antics all too well.

"You're at the burrow, dear, what we've rebuilt so far, at least" Molly replied, and upon seeing the blank expressions on Alice and Draco's faces, she elaborated. "The headquarters of the order of the phoenix."

Alice understood that the burrow was the Weasley family home and that the Death Eaters destroyed it over Christmas, but Ron had mentioned that they were rebuilding. That explained the empty photo frames on the walls, they were clearly still decorating.

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