Chapter Ten

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Alice's feet hit the ground quickly as she ran down the stairs of the castle. Her heart was pounding loudly, so much that she could hear it in her ears, as she quickly descended the stairs.

Of course she was terrified about getting in trouble, knowing how much she'd land herself in if a teacher caught her out at this late hour, but her curiosity got the better of her. She had to know what Malfoy wanted, it must be something important if he was making her risk getting in trouble, she assumed.

Finally Alice reached the bottom of the stairs, mildly out of breath and constantly looking around her for any sign of someone who could catch her. As well as the teachers, she had also had to try to avoid waking up any portraits or tattle-tale ghosts to get down here. Seeing that there was no one around she hurried to the door to the courtyard and pushed it open, just a tiny bit, before slipping out and shutting it behind her as quietly as she could.

The courtyard was just as pretty when it was snow covered, Alice made sure to watch her step as she walked so she didn't slip on the icy ground. Even though she had only been out here for a second the wind was already nipping at her nose harshly, making her regret not bringing a scarf.

"Malfoy!?" She called out quietly, she couldn't see him anywhere and if he wasn't here she'd simply return to her dorm. However, as soon as she spoke he stood out from behind a wall with a smirk on his face.

"You actually came." He sounded somewhat surprised, in his mind it was a 50/50 on if she'd actually show, so he was happy she was here.

"Yes, I did, so what is it you want?" Alice asked, crossing her arms over her chest, still holding some anger over what happened the other day.

"I want to show you something, come on." He stated, turning and walking further away from the castle.

Alice had a minor internal battle. On the one hand, she doesn't know what Malfoy wants and common sense says that she shouldn't follow him, but on the other she was so curious to know what he was going to show her that she felt her feet carrying her towards him before she had even really had time to weigh up her options.

They walked in silence away from the castle, the only sound being Malfoy casting 'lumos' and Alice following suit, walking together in the light coming from the ends of their wands. Alice was mildly scared since it was so dark, but she didn't let it get to her too much since she wasn't alone.

"So," Alice started in an attempt to break the silence, hoping it wouldn't get awkward. "Are you bringing me out here to kidnap me or what?"

Malfoy chuckled, which made Alice's heart beat faster.

"No, if I was going to kidnap you you wouldn't have any idea, it would be a surprise." He replied, Alice laughed softly.

"Well, that's comforting," She muttered. Obviously she knew that he was joking, despite Harry's hatred of him Alice felt safe around Malfoy. Although she was trying not to let her fear of the dark effect her, she found herself constantly checking over her shoulder in case she was being followed, which caught Malfoy's attention.

"What're you looking at?" He asked casually, glancing back to where Alice was walking a few steps behind him.

"Nothing." She muttered, looking behind her yet again. After a moment of thinking, Malfoy raised an eyebrow at her, a slightly amused look on his face.

"Really? You, the brave Gryffindor, scared of the dark?" He asked, not being able to hod back a chuckle. Alice, now defensive, bit back.

"I am not scared of the dark, thank you very much." She snapped, but her strong facade faltered when she jumped at an owl hooting.

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