Chapter Thirty-Six

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Pretty much as soon as the door to the cellar had been shut, locking itself instantly, Ron pushed himself from the ground and ran over to it, shaking it vigorously. Deep down he knew that this wouldn't work, but he had to try.

"What are we gonna do?" He asked desperately, turning to Harry as if he had all the answers. "We can't leave Hermione alone with her!"

In truth, Harry was extremely worried about Hermione, but easily equally worried about Alice. After being hit with the information that her father is a death eater, Harry was unsure as to how she was going to react, but could guarantee it wouldn't be good.

"Alice?" He asked tentatively. Since she entered the cell, Alice had been glaring through the iron bars on the door, at the spot where her father last was. She was yet to move a muscle. "How are you feeling?" 

"I'm heartbroken." She whispered, her face twisted in sadness for a moment, but it disappeared just as quickly. Turning to Harry, her hands made fists, and it was easy to say that she had never been this mad. Although Harry knew that her anger wasn't directed at him, the fury radiating off of Alice scared him slightly. "But more than anything? I'm really, really pissed off." She practically growled.

The cellar itself was horribly dark, since there wasn't a single source of light down here, other than the dim light coming through the bars on the door, and even that only lit up the first few feet of the cell.

The three spun around when a voice sounded from the other side of the cellar, all three of them feeling rather defenceless without their wands. It was somewhat off-putting, being able to hear a voice but having no idea where it came from. Alice, still very much scared of the dark, decided to stand closer to the door to be in the light.

"Alice?" An awfully familiar voice sounded from the darkness, Ron quickly pulled out his deluminator, pressing a button causing a as yet unlit lantern to light up, illuminating the face of Luna Lovegood in a warm, orange glow. "Harry? Ron?"

"Luna?" Harry whispered. Alice was closer to Luna than either of the boys, and it showed in the way that she ran over to her friend, embracing her in a tight hug. Luna was already skinny, but Alice could feel how much weight she had lost from being trapped in the cellar just by hugging her. It was worrying, but she was thankful that Luna was alive.

Two more bodies emerged from the darkness, coming in to the light cast by the lantern. One of whom Alice easily recognised as Ollivander the wand maker, though he certainly looked as though he had seen better days, and the other was a short, rather angry looking goblin. 

"Ollivander? Are you okay, sir?" Harry asked the elderly man, who waved off his concern with a shaky hand. 

"I'm fine, my boy." He replied, his weak voice giving Harry the impression that he was not, in fact, fine. The goblin spoke up next.

"Griphook." He grumbled his name, and nothing else. Alice got the impression that he wasn't the nicest of goblins rather quickly.

Everyone collectively jumped when a blood-curdling scream was heard from up the stairs that led down to the cellar, it was clearly Hermione. Alice watched as Ron's face paled, he looked as though he were about to cry. 

"We have to do something!" He cried, desperation clear in his voice as he looked at Alice and Harry, hoping that they had a plan. He himself was unable to think of one, his thoughts full of Hermione.

Alice had never been more sure that Ron was in love with Hermione.

"There's no way out of here, we've tried everything!" Ollivander spoke, his raspy voice giving Alice the impression that he hadn't had anything to drink in what sounded like days. Clearly, the prisoners weren't well looked-after. "It's enchanted."

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