Chapter Forty

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The wind whipped past Alice's face, blowing her hair back as the cart they were on sped down the tracks. Since the vaults of Gringotts were underground, a cart on two, twisting rails was used to get people to their vaults. It only had one lantern on it, squeaking desperately as it swung from the front of the cart, where Griphook was manning the controls.

The tracks themselves weaved through the caves below Gringotts, something that Alice would've probably appreciated a whole lot more if she wasn't there to do something so dangerous.

Harry had ditched the invisibility cloak, giving it to Hermione to put back in her bag once they had gotten out of sight from other goblins. The goblin with glasses, who Harry had cast a spell on, was sat on the back of the cart, giggling occasionally as his head lulled from side to side with the sharper turns. Alice had asked Griphook what the name of the other goblin was, and had discovered he was called Bogrod. 

The spell Harry had used was harmless, it simply caused Bogrod to agree with whatever they told him. 

Draco was sat next to Alice, an arm wrapped tightly around her, attempting to shield her slightly from the winds. He had pointedly sat as far away from Hermione as possible, not wanting to be anywhere near someone who looked so similar to his aunt.

Everyone's attention was brought forward when a large waterfall became visible in the distance, the tracks set to take the cart right through it. The sound of the water crashing to the bottom of the extremely deep cave echoed terribly loud as the waterfall came closer.

"What is that, Griphook?" Harry demanded as Griphook tried to pull the break on the cart, which wasn't slowing them down quick enough. "Griphook!" Harry yelled, desperate.

They made their way through the waterfall, the cart coming to a squeaky stop on the other side. When they had gone under the water, Draco had done his best to keep Alice dry, shielding her with his arms and therefore getting himself completely soaked. 

Once the cart had stopped, everyone watched as a red light began to make it's way out of the front of the cart, suddenly beginning to make an obnoxious alarm noise. Quicker than anyone even noticed what was happening, all of the seats on the cart disappeared, and everyone began falling to the bottom of the caves.

Hermione screamed, Harry yelled and Alice was so bloody scared she couldn't even get any noise out at all, simply plummeting towards the ground in silence. As she was falling, Hermione had managed to pull out her wand and cast a spell, stopping everyone from slamming in to the cave floor less than a second before they would've hit it. Alice was stopped about a foot from the ground, where she definitely would've died if it wasn't for Hermione's quick thinking, before being dropped down.

There was a few grunts as people dropped to the ground, the cold stone of the cave floor being less than inviting, though everyone was grateful that they weren't splattered across it.

"Well done, Hermione." Harry praised, pushing himself of the floor to stand. Draco made sure to stand quickly, simply so that he could help Alice to her feet, holding her against him. It didn't bother Draco in the slightest that he just almost died, it bothered him that Alice almost died, making him want to protect her even more. 

The cart that they had been on rolled away down the tracks, the loud alarm echoing through the cave system that they were now at the very bottom of, which was hardly ideal.

"You okay?" Alice asked Draco quietly, noticing the frown on his face. His hair was wet from going under the waterfall, causing it to go slightly wavy and hang in his face more than in usually did. He looked down to the girl in his arms, kissing her briefly on the forehead before answering.

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