Chapter 6: Cat in the Dark

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*Song: Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac*

My alarm goes off at seven waking me up. I groan and get out of bed to take a shower. I am honestly surprised I even slept. The shower helps wake me up which is good because I was completely exhausted. By the time I fell asleep I only got four hours to sleep.

    I get out of the shower and blow dry my hair. I decide to leave my hair natural because it's naturally wavy and I really like it that way. I now have to decide what to wear. What do you even wear when Harry Styles comes over to your house? I just hope whatever I pick, he doesn't judge me for it. I need to stop being like this. Thinking everyone is out to get me because if Harry was going to judge me, he would've done it already when I was having a mental breakdown in front of him. I decide to wear something  casual, a yellow tank top with light blue mom jeans.

 I decide to wear something  casual, a yellow tank top with light blue mom jeans

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I look at the clock and it's already 8:30. He will be here in thirty minutes. I hear my phone ringing and I smile. It's probably Harry calling me to let me know he will be here soon. My smile disappears when I look at the caller ID and it is not Harry, it's my dad;

    "Hello," I say, already afraid of what he has to say this time.

It's so convenient that he would pick today to call me, out of all the days. It's sad because this morning, as nervous as I am, had a feeling that today was going to be a good day. I hope he doesn't ruin it.

"Hello Analeah Marie," he slurs, he's drunk. At 8:30 in the morning.

My dad developed a drinking problem when my mother died. He has gotten better since I left Boston to come to New York for college because I think he realized I wouldn't be there to take care of him anymore. So he doesn't get plastered too often but when he does, he calls me and says the most hurtful things. I mean he hurts my feelings when he isn't drunk but it's ten times worse when he is.

"So what you don't call to check on your dad anymore, Leah?" he asks, trying to make me guilty.

I haven't talked to him since the day of the concert which was twelve days ago. Usually I try to call him once a week if my schedule allows. But I decided after the concert I wasn't going to talk to him again until he called me. I will not let him ruin another day.

"Dad, I can't talk, I have plans," I state, trying to get him to end whatever game he is trying to play with me.

He laughs, "Plans with who, a boy? Because we both know that you are too annoying to have a boyfriend. And how would you even talk to him? You're too shy and quiet. Grow up Leah. Anyway, a boy would take away your focus on the future. Not that your working hard enough to have a good future, you still work at that stupid coffee shop,"

"Actually, I have plans to go to the mall with Olive and Kenna. I've gotta go, bye," I lie, holding back tears.

I look at the clock and it's still only 8:35. I think it's crazy how that man can ruin my whole day in five minutes. I was starting to get so excited about today. Now that excitement is gone and the little confidence I had has been destroyed. Maybe I should text Harry and just tell him not to come. No, like I said before, he will not ruin my day.

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