Chapter 56: You're Actually Psycho

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*Song: I Want You (She's So Heavy) by The Beatles*

Harry's POV:

"Do you want to take a break? We've been walking for awhile," I say as we sit down on a rock, watching the sunset. "Drink some water, you don't want to be dehydrated. No passing out on my watch." She laughs, that beautiful laugh, taking a sip of water.

"Who decided to hike the Grand Canyon?" she asks.

"You did," I say and she giggles.

"Oh yeah I forgot," she says and we both laugh. I begin to whistle something that's been in my head recently. "What are you whistling?"

"Nothing, just something I've been messing around with lately," I reply and she smiles.

"It's pretty," she says, kicking a rock. "Did you know I can't whistle?"

"You can't whistle?" I ask and she laughs, shaking her head. "Try."

"I have tried for years Harry, it's never gonna happen," she giggles.

"Oh come on," I say and she shakes her head. I walk over to the rock she's sitting on and sit next to her. "You just put your lips together and blow." I whistle and she smiles and then tries but nothing comes out but air. I begin to laugh.

"Maybe my lips are broken," she says.

"Your lips are definitely not broken," I joke and she laughs. 

"The sky here is amazing. It was so blue earlier and now it's bright pink. I wonder what the stars look like from here," she says, looking towards me.

"Are you suggesting we stay until it gets dark?" I say, smirking .

"You said it not me," she says, grabbing my hand.

We watch as the sun disappears behind the canyon and the sky gets dark. The canyon is illuminated by the bright moon. I watch Leah as she looks up at the sky, amazed at all the stars. A shooting star goes by and she smiles and closes her eyes, making a wish I could assume. I don't make a wish because I already have everything I could ever want. She opens her eyes and looks at me and smiles.

"What did you wish for?" I ask.

"I can't tell you. Or else it won't come true," she says, still looking at me.

She looks back to the sky, examining every star and then the moon. The moon is full tonight. I love watching Leah look at this, she likes like the stars, her whole face lights up and you can see the excitement in her eyes. I'm going to miss this when I go, which is really soon. This is our last stop until California, our last stop. We are going to spend her birthday there, which is in two days, and then I'm going to fly with her back to New York where we'll have one last full day together before I leave. I'm not ready to go quite yet but I know that's what's best for the both of us. 

"Leah?" I question and she smiles, looking towards me.

"Harry," she responds and I smile.

"I have something to give you," I say, reaching into my pocket pulling out a little box. She sees the box in my hand and her eyes widen. "Don't freak out, it's not an engagement ring. It's just a ring that I'm giving you as a promise. A promise that I will always come back to you no matter where I go. I also promise I will love you no matter what happens." Her eyes begin to water as we both stare at each other sitting on this rock in the middle of the Grand Canyon.

I open the box revealing a small delicate ring, very her style. She looks down at the ring and then back up at me, a smile forming on her lips and a tear falling down her face. I take the ring out of the box and place it on her ring finger on her left hand. She looks away back at the canyon in front of us, still smiling.

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