Chapter 50: Dear Sunflower

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*Song: Penny Lane by The Beatles*

I'm woken up by Harry jumping on top of me, kissing me all over my face, laughing as he does it. He has the cutest laugh. Harry had his hair cut the other day because he said he was going to have to cut it soon anyway so he decided to get it over with now. He also got an invitation to the Met Gala which is really good for him. He is horrified though because he said that he's never been to one and that it's a lot of pressure because he's going to have a lot of eyes on him. But I think he's going to do great.

"Happy Valentine's Day, baby," he says, when he sees that I'm finally awake.

"Happy Valentine's Day," I mumble, still trying to wake myself up. "You didn't have to wake up you know."

"Don't I always wake up with you before you go to work?" he asks.

"Yep," I say, rubbing my eyes. "Can you pick me out something to wear while I make coffee?"

"Of course," he says, getting off me, walking over to my closet.

I get up and go to the kitchen. Connecting my phone to the speaker we finally bought for the kitchen. I don't know why we didn't think of that before. I hit shuffle on one of my playlists and started the coffee machine, taking two mugs off the rack, my pink one I always use and the yellow one that Harry likes to use.

"In Penny Lane, there is a barber showing photographs Of every head he's had the pleasure to know And all the people that come and go Stop and say, 'Hello'."

"On the corner is a banker with a motorcar. And little children laugh at him behind his back. And the banker never wears a mac. In the pouring rain, very strange." I sing quietly to myself as I hear Harry come out of my bedroom. I pull myself up to sit on the counter. I watch my feet as I kick them back and forth.

"Okay, I picked out your outfit. Also is it okay if I drive you to work today?" Harry questions, walking into the kitchen, taking his mug off the counter to fill it with coffee.

"Of course. May I ask why?" I ask, smiling.

"It's a surprise," he says, smirking.

"I'm going to get ready real quick," I say and he nods.

I walk into my room and look at the clothes he picked out for me. A perfect choice per usual. I take the clothes into the bathroom with me and start the water. I strip down and get in, letting the hot water hit my back. I've been really tense lately and I'm not sure why. I mean I always am but it's been more than usual. I think it's because I know Harry's leaving sooner then later and honestly I'm not ready. How am I supposed to by myself after all this time? I've felt nauseous for the past couple days because I can't stop thinking about him leaving. I try not to but I can't help it. Everyday it gets worse because I swear I fall more in love with him everyday. I shut off the shower and get out before I get all worked up.

I get dressed into the green sweater and jeans that Harry picked out for me and begin to blow dry my hair, straightening it after I finish.

	I get dressed into the green sweater and jeans that Harry picked out for me and begin to blow dry my hair, straightening it after I finish

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