Chapter 13: I'm Not Using You

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*Song: Woman by Harry Styles*

I wake up and my eyes immediately begin to sting from exhaustion. I remember falling asleep really late last night, around five o'clock in the morning. I look at the clock and it was eight. An outstanding three hours of sleep. I look at my surroundings, Kenna and Olive are still on the floor sleeping with the blanket I threw on them last night when I noticed they were sleeping, and I was on the couch with my head on Harry's shoulder. When did I do this? I certainly don't remember falling asleep like this. I try to move slowly so I don't wake him up, this is awkward enough. I hope he didn't notice. I slowly get up off the couch and move into the kitchen to make some coffee. I pick out my pink mug that I always use. It's funny because I have so many mugs but I always pick that one. Sometimes when it's dirty I'll even clean it just to be able to use it. I don't know why I do that, I'm probably just a weirdo. I see a yellow mug get put next to mine on the counter. I look up from what I'm doing to see Harry leaning against the counter.

"Coffee please?" he whispers, smiling at me.

"How did you know I was making any?" I asked.

"Well, I felt you get up and then I smelt coffee and I wasn't willing to pass up that opportunity," he replies.

"Oh," I reply, turning away feeling embarrassed that he felt me get up.

After a few moments of silence I decided to ask a question I have been thinking about since Kenna arrived yesterday, "So what do you think of my friends?"

"Well Olive definitely has some spunk and Kenna is very... loud," he whispers, causing me to laugh.

"Yeah, she is definitely loud. She would always get yelled at in school because of it. She was just really excited I guess," I whisper.

"What are you two talking about at this hour?" Olive asks, rubbing her eyes, sitting down on one of the stools.

"Nothing much, how did you sleep?" I ask.

"Fabulously, your floor is so comfortable, Leah," she replies, sarcastically.

"Oh come on, it couldn't have been that bad, I put a blanket on you. You would have been pissed if I woke you up," I state.

"Your right, can I have some coffee please?" she begs.

"Sure, three sugars?" I ask.

"Yes, you know me well," she replies.

I move to the coffee rack and grab a purple mug and fill it with coffee and three sugars, handing it to Olive from over the counter. I see Kenna walk her way to the counter and sit next to Olive.

"Do you want a coffee?" I ask Kenna.

"No I am taking a break from caffeine," she replies.

"What? That's impossible," I say.

"Yeah you right. I'll take one," she says.

I walk to the mug rack and grab a green mug filling it with coffee. Then I move to the fridge to grab creamer and put it in the mug.

"Wow, Leah I am impressed. You know me so well," Kenna says.

"I know right, she knew how I liked my coffee too," Olive agrees.

"It's not that hard," I state, finally sipping my coffee.

"So what's everyone's plans for today?" Olive asks.

"I am driving to Boston because my mother says she wants to see me. Which is code for 'I am going on another  trip, can you just make sure the house doesn't burn down?' So exciting," Kenna says.

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