Chapter 55: Water In My Nose

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Author's Note: Quick question before the chapter starts, would you guys enjoy it if I possibly made a Twitter for myself so I can give updates on what is happening? Would you follow it if I did? If you guys have any ideas let me know. :)




"Vallee de Oro National Wildlife Refuge? Why are we at a wildlife refuge?" I say as Harry pulls into a gravel parking lot somewhere in New Mexico.

    "You'll see," he says, smirking as we get out of the car and walk into this huge field as the sun is setting.

    We walk into the middle of the field. No one else is around. He takes his phone out of his pocket and hits shuffle on what sounds like his Sunflower playlist.

    "Oh! Darling, please believe me. I'll never do you no harm. Believe me when I tell you. I'll never do you no harm."

"Leah I think you're going to have to dance with me, like right now," Harry says, grabbing my waist.

"Right now?" I ask, smiling.

    "Yeah, no one's around," he says as I wrap my arms around his shoulders.

    "Oh! Darling, if you leave me. I'll never make it alone. Believe me when I beg you. Don't ever leave me alone." he sings to me softly as we sway back and forth. It's starting to get dark out but I don't even really notice because I'm so lost in his eyes.

Today has been one of those days that doesn't feel real, almost like I'm in a movie. Especially this moment. This doesn't even feel real. Like is someone going to say cut at some point and all of this will stop.

"What are you thinking about?" he whispers, still looking into my eyes.

"Just how perfect this is. I feel like we are in a movie or something as cheesy as it sounds," I say and he smiles.

"I don't think it's cheesy at all. I think it's rather cute," he says, looking into my eyes. "I completely understand what you mean. It feels like all of this could be ripped away from us sometimes."

"Exactly," I say as the song ends.

Harry lets go of my waist and lays down on the ground. I look down at him and smile. He holds his arms out for me to lay between. I lay down, resting my head on his chest. I look up at the stars, noticing how clear the sky is. It honestly feels like we are in the galaxy.

"This is why you took me here, to see the stars," I say, smiling so big even though he can't see me.

"Yeah, I thought you would like it," he says. "It's really beautiful."

"Have you been here before?" I ask.

"Once, when we were touring one time I came here. I wanted to be alone, you know get away from everything. I was really stressed out at the time, I came here and seeing how big the world really was really relaxed me. It made me realize that I'm just a little speck and that my problems could be a lot bigger. And no one was out there so it's not like I got mobbed or anything," he explains as I move my head up to look at him. "So I thought I would take you here because we've both been a little anxious recently." I kiss his jawline and he smiles.

I can't believe how clear the sky is here. He is right, it really makes you think about how small you really are. I live on this small planet, third away from the sun. I am practically a little speck in a universe of billions of other specks with their own problems.

"What are you thinking about?" he asks

"You always tell me that my problems aren't stupid and here you are calling your own problems stupid," he explains. "Your problems are not stupid Leah and don't belittle yourself because your problems aren't small. Everyone handles things in different ways. Someone could be going through something like death and it could not affect them as badly as talking about certain things affect you. Everyone deals with stuff differently."    

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