Chapter 31: After What You Did

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13 days later:

Harry and I got back from England late last night and it was honestly the best two weeks of my life. It's currently nine in the morning and I am awake. I don't know why I am awake, we didn't go to sleep until five in the morning. I get out of bed quietly, not waking up Harry to brush my teeth. I then walk to the kitchen and immediately start up the coffee. It's weird because I'm exhausted but I couldn't go back to sleep for the life of me. I was sitting there for about an hour with Harry laying on top of me. I hope I didn't wake him up, he needs to sleep. As I pour the coffee into my mug I feel my phone vibrate in my sweatpants' pocket. I take my phone and look down at it, Kenna texted me.


Hey, I know you guys just got back but do you think I can come over in like ten minutes?

I respond and tell her yes. I honestly don't know what to expect from this early morning visit from Kenna but it can't be anything good. I just hope whatever this is doesn't turn into a screaming match. I hear my bedroom door open and see Harry eventually make his way to the bathroom. A few minutes later he comes into the kitchen and hugs me, putting his head into my neck while I run my fingers through his hair.

"You left me," he mumbles into my neck.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep any longer," I say, kissing the side of his head.

I love moments like these. I know they are so simple but they are my favorite. We stand there like that for a while, in silence. Just me holding him. This is all I honestly need. We stand there like this for a few more minutes until I decide to mention Kenna coming over.

"Kenna will be here in a few minutes," I say, quietly.

"Okay," he mumbles. I think I could say the apartment was on fire and he still wouldn't move from this position.

"Are you tired?" I ask, still running my hand through his hair.

"Mhmm," he hums.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?" I question.

"I can't," he says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because you're not coming with me," he mumbles, causing my heart to melt.

"Well what do you want to do then?" I question.

"Stay here, like this," he says.

"I know, I would too, trust me. But Kenna is coming over and who knows what kind of drama she is bringing with her," I say. Harry brings his head up so he can look at me. He grabs my cheeks and rubs them with his thumb.

"I am sure everything is going to be okay, don't stress about it," he says, his puffy eyes looking into mine.

"I don't know Harry, according to Olive they haven't talked in almost two weeks. I just don't know what I am going to do," I explain.

"Hey, it's not your job to fix other people's problems, baby. Don't be so hard on yourself," he states.

"It kind of is my job. If I don't do something they will never talk again. They are too stubborn to fix anything by themselves. And what am I going to do, take turns between hanging out with Olive and Kenna?" I question.

"I don't know. I just don't want you to put the pressure of their friendship on yourself, I don't want you to get all stressed out," he says, concerned. I hear a knock on the door, it must be Kenna. "I'm going to be in your room if you need me." He kisses my forehead before walking down the hallway, into my room, and closing the door. I walk over to the door and open it to see Kenna leaning against the doorway wearing a crop top and sweatpants. She has bags under her eyes like she hasn't slept or something. She walks into the apartment without saying a word, sitting down at the counter.

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