Chapter 38: Everyone Deserves a Second Chance

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Harry's POV:

I look over at Leah and see her take a deep breath and knock in the door. I don't know what's going to happen when we go in there. All I can hope for is that Leah is not upset when we leave here. I hear footsteps from behind the door. The door opens revealing a happy looking Kenna. She definitely looks a lot happier since the last time I've seen her. Maybe that's because Leah finally answered her, meaning she got her own way.

"Leah, Harry, come in," Kenna says as Leah and I walk through the doorway.

We walk in and Leah immediately sits on the couch. I can tell she just really wants to get this over with. I sit down next to her and she looks at me. I give her a reassuring smile trying to relax her nerves in any way I can. Though I doubt it's working.

Kenna walks from the door to the couch that's sitting directly across from us.

"Would either of you like anything to drink?" she asks.

"No thank you," Leah says. As mad as I know Leah is at Kenna, she is still polite. That's one of the things I love about her.

"No thanks," I say and Kenna nods.

The three of us sit in silence for what feels like forever. I can tell Leah is about to burst at the seams in anxiousness. This is so awkward, Leah and Kenna are making eye contact and I just keep looking in between both of them to see who is going to say something first.

"Well, thank you for coming over Leah," Kenna starts. "I know how much you don't like confrontation."

"Yeah well this wasn't going to fix itself. I'm done fighting," Leah says, with a tinge of attitude present in her voice.

"I'm done fighting too. I want my best friend back. That's why I wanted you both here so I could apologize for the way I have been acting. I had no right to act this way. I was selfish. I should've been happy for you Leah because I know how happy you are. And Harry I want to thank you for making Leah happy. She hasn't been this happy ever within the time I've known her," Kenna says, which practically makes Leah's jaw drop on the floor. I see Kenna's eyes begin to water and I know she's about to cry. "I am so sorry for being such a horrible friend Leah, I always put myself before you and you are always so selfless. And this time you put your own happiness before mine which is something you should do all the time but you don't because you are such a good person. You deserve happiness Leah no matter what anyone says, no matter what I say."

Kenna is practically sobbing in front of us at this point and Leah has not said a word to her yet. I don't know if I believe Kenna right now. She hasn't given me many good reasons to trust her. I just wish I knew what was going through Leah's head right now. I know she probably feels slightly bad for Kenna because that's who Leah is. Even though Kenna hurt her she still cares about her. Leah has more empathy for people in her pinky than most people do in their whole bodies.

"Uhm... I don't really know what to say," Leah finally says, breaking the silence.

"Please say that you forgive me. Leah please," Kenna begs, putting her head in her hands. I look over at Leah and I can tell she is trying not to cry.

"I'm not going to say any of what you did was okay because it wasn't, like at all. But I'll forgive you because everyone deserves a second chance," Leah says, causing Kenna to lift her head from her hands and look at Leah with a smile. Leah gets up from the couch and goes into the kitchen, returning with a box of tissues. "Here, now clean yourself up and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Maybe we can go to lunch or something."

Leah and I walk towards the door of Kenna's apartment. "Thank you Leah, for forgiving me when I don't deserve to be forgiven," Kenna says, wiping her eyes with a tissue.

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