Chapter 11: Jealousy

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Author's Note: I switch POVs a lot in this chapter so pay attention who's POV it is. 

Kenna's POV:

I am woken up by the sound of someone's phone ringing. I look on the coffee table and it's Leah's. And who is calling you might ask? Harry. Harry Styles. The one person I admire the most. I have loved him for almost ten years and then he meets Leah one time and it sparks a whole friendship between them. Are you kidding me? Should I answer it? I mean Leah would kill me but this is a one time opportunity. I decide I will answer.

"Leah's phone," I say, trying to make my voice sound confident when I am actually freaking out.

"Where is Leah?" he says. Oh my God I am on the phone with Harry Styles. This is insane. I am dying to say how much I love him and how much he's done for me but I decide against it and keep my cool.

"Leah is sleeping, this is Kenna. Do you want to leave a message?" I ask.

"Can you please ask her to call me when she wakes up?" he asks.

"Sure," I say.

"Well bye then, Kenna," he says, awkwardly.

"Bye Harry," I say, hanging up the phone.

I scream into my pillow. I was just on the phone with Harry Styles. I'm not going to tell Leah that he called. That will only make their friendship stronger and that's the last thing I want. I mean I am the idiot that left her at the concert. But in my defense I didn't think she would meet Harry. I can't believe she could do this to me. She's the one that told me she would be maid of honor at Harry and I's wedding. I swear if I am going to have to sit back and watch this friendship blossom into something more, I won't be happy.

"Good morning," Leah says, yawning.

"Good morning, Leah," I say, smiling.

Harry's POV:

I still haven't heard from Leah yet and I am a bit worried. What if she doesn't want to talk to me anymore? Why did Kenna answer her phone? That's weird. Kenna doesn't give me a good feeling. When I finally figured out it was her, I figured she would be screaming but she was calm, too calm. Should I call her again? No, I don't want to seem clingy.

"Hey, are you good man?" I hear someone ask me.

I turn around and it's Mitch, my best friend.

"Erm, yeah I'm fine," I lie.

"Harry, you seem off, what's going on? Is it Leah?" he digs.

"Yeah, I'm just worried. I called her this morning and her friend Kenna answered. She hasn't called me back yet. I'm just nervous that maybe she doesn't want to talk to me anymore," I confess.

"Harry it's probably not a big deal, maybe she just forgot. Maybe try texting her, did you even tell that girl Kenna to tell her to call you back?" he asks.

"Yeah, I did. She gave me a weird feeling Mitch. Leah tells me that Kenna is like obsessed with me so what if she didn't even tell Leah I called. But I'm just probably being paranoid. I don't want to be clinging and text her so I'll just wait. She'll call me eventually," I reply.

I hope that I am right about Kenna, I mean not for Leah's sake but for mine. Because if Kenna did tell her then that means she is choosing not to call me. I just need to get my mind off this whole situation and focus on the concert. Leah told me to enjoy the few shows I have left so that is what I am going to try to do. I just hope she calls me.

Leah's POV:

Olive and Kenna have finally left my apartment. It's weird because I still haven't heard from Harry yet today. I decided I'll just clean my apartment. I know I cleaned it a couple of days ago but it genuinely helps when I'm stressed.

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