Chapter 23: Through the Clouds

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*Song: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen*

"Leah, wake up. We have to go!" Harry says, kissing me all over my face. I can tell how excited he is.

"Okay, Okay. Let me get dressed," I mumble, my eyes still closed.

"No need, it's over a six hour flight. Just go in what you're wearing. Don't worry you can get dressed before you meet my mum and Gemma. I already can see the look on your face. I am getting so good at reading you," he says, sitting next to me. "Come on sweetheart, we have to go," he states, tapping my leg.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask, my voice is raspy.

"Like an hour, I already have a cup of coffee waiting for you in the kitchen," he says.

"Okay," I mumble, yawning.

I get out of bed in my sweatpants and Harry's Rolling Stones t-shirt and throw my black hightop converse on. I walk into the kitchen with my suitcase in hand and roll it to the door. I go into the kitchen, grab my coffee and walk back towards the door.

"Did you really think we were skipping our morning routine?" he says, putting music on.

"Instant Karma's gonna get you. Gonna knock you right on the head. You better get yourself together. Pretty soon you're gonna be dead. What in the world you thinking of? Laughing in the face of love. What on earth you tryin' to do. It's up to you, yeah you."

I walk back into the kitchen to see Harry standing against the counter with the biggest smile on his face. He walks up to me and puts his hands on my cheeks. His rings feeling cold on my warm skin.

"Instant Karma's gonna get you. Gonna look you right in the face. Better get yourself together darlin'. Join the human race. How in the world you gonna see. Laughin' at fools like me. Who in the hell d'you think you are. A super star. Well, right you are," he sings to me then kisses me.

This is something Harry and I do every morning to wake ourselves up, we stand in the kitchen listening to music, singing to each other and even sometimes dancing.

"Well we all shine on. Like the moon and the stars and the sun. Well we all shine on. Everyone come on," I sing out, as he is still holding my cheeks.

After a couple minutes of singing I finally lock my apartment one last time for two weeks. I have never left my apartment for this long, at most probably two days. We get into Harry's car and he immediately looks at me, smiling. He hasn't stopped smiling this whole morning. He is like a child on Christmas.

"Thank you," he says, grabbing my hand and bringing it up to his lips.

"For what?" I ask, now smiling.

"Coming with me. I don't know what I would have done if I had to leave you again, I probably wouldn't have gone," he explains, still holding my hand.

"Of course, I would go anywhere with you. Even the moon if you wanted to. I'm excited," I say.

"Me too," he states, now backing out of the parking spot, still holding my hand.

The drive to the airport is only a little over forty five minutes. I love driving with Harry, even if there is no destination, even if neither of us talk and it's silent. I just love his company, I love that silence is never awkward between us.

"So this is your first time on a plane?" he asks, breaking the silence.

"Yeah," I answer, looking at him.

"Are you nervous? You seem a bit nervous," he questions.

"Yeah, I am nervous. Just because it's something I have never done before so there is no way of knowing what will happen," I explain.

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