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Aunty went home. She had to get her eldest son from school and the youngest from daycare. The schools were closed. But her son had signed up for guitar classes. Aunty was very excited about every activity related to school So, he had no choice but to join for something.

We also moved to a private room in the hospital. Thanks to that, we were finally able to celebrate my birthday.

I eagerly waited for the cake.

In the meantime, I learned that mom's delivery was not that smooth. Mom wasn't mentally prepared to deliver two children. So there were some slight complications. I can only imagine what happened.

The doctor carefully took the baby. He had a happy smile on his face.

"It's a girl!" He announced cheerfully.

"Yay!" Dad and Lakshmi aunty cheered and celebrated.

"But I wanted a boy," Mom murmured disappointedly.

"That's fine. Let's hope the next child is a boy. Now push!" The doctor passed the child to the nurse for cleaning and said.

"Next child? We are not planning for anymore."

"I am talking about her twin." Doctor clarified.


"Yes. Don't you know about the second child?"

"No. We ordered only one." Dad answered confused.

"Well... There was an offer sale and now you have the second one coming." The doctor shrugged and answered.

"But we brought the money for only one child. Will the hospital give a discount?" Mom asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about that. My family is very rich." Lakshmi aunty boasted.

"Okay then. Here we go."

"It's a boy!" The doctor took the next kid and announced.

"Yay!" Mom and Lakshmi aunty celebrated.

"Don't celebrate too much. You should have told us that we were going to have twins." Dad scolded Lakshmi aunty.

"I told you about it."  Lakshmi aunty protested.

"No. You didn't! You are so irresponsible!" Dad was angry.

"That's because psychiatrists are not real doctors," Anu added.

Ohh, wait. Anu was not there during the delivery.

"What are you daydreaming and giggling?" Mom woke me up from my imagination. She had bathed and slept. Once she got the rest she needed, she was energetic and shiny like before.

Earlier today, Anu started a fight with Lakshmi aunty because of the injection. But after she got me the injection, Anu was happy and became friends with Lakshmi Aunty. Later they both pretended as 'injection police' and went around looking for kids to give an injection. They even managed to find two kids who had injections pending. With that, those two became friends. Right now, Anu was eating an orange she got from a patient.

"Say 'amma'." Mom urged me.

Today, we heard Anita calling her mom 'amma' and so mom wanted me to do the same. On her birthday, I called her by her name. At first, I was worried about it. But later she tried to make me call her 'Riya' again. Apparently, she was excited by the thought that the first word her son said was her name and she wanted me to say it again.

I Got Breastfed AgainWhere stories live. Discover now