079 Ring

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I had lunch with Jeemma. I ate more than half of her lunchbox. She just sat there and watched me eat. According to her, watching me eat so well was enough to fill her stomach. After lunch, I fell asleep on the couch in her office.

"To think that I will live long enough to see you taking care of his son..." I was woken up by someone talking to Jeemma. I was facing the wall, so they didn't notice me waking up.

"Haha... You have many years remaining. Doesn't he look exactly like his father?" Jeemma asked.

"I haven't seen his father when he was this small. But he does resemble his father a lot. Except for his character. I heard that he almost extorted the interns." The man replied. I identified the person by his sound. It was the manager uncle from the bakery.

"Yes. I let him go free for a few minutes and when I found him, he was filling his pockets with chocolates." I could hear the love in her voice.

"Weren't they all too well-behaved? Why is he such a little rascal?" The uncle asked.

"He was spoiled by his elder sister," Jeemma answered.

I wasn't happy. Why is she blaming Anuchi for something I did?

"Isn't she just seven years old?"

"Yes. But she has pampered him from the days he was just a baby. She used to smuggle candles for him. She also fed him solid food even before his parents did. She used to bite meat into small pieces and feed him when he had only a few teeth. When he was in playschool, she and her friends used to smuggle sweets for their younger siblings..." Jeemma continued nonstop. I had to admit. She was right.

"You are also spoiling him." The manager answered.

"How can I not? He looks exactly like his father. You know what, a few days ago, he fought with his mother and wanted to leave home. He said he would come to my home. Can you believe it? This little rascal wanted to leave his home and come to mine. I am pretty sure that his mother hates me even more now."

"Now I understand why you wrote the bakery in his name." The manager answered.

I was shocked. I knew that Jeemma transferred half the ownership of her business to our Dad. But according to what he said just now, that was not the case with the bakery. I was the sole owner of it. It didn't make any sense.

"Why did you bring him here?" The manager asked.

"I was thinking of taking him home. But then I thought that he should be familiar with our businesses."

"Are you going to take him home?"

"No. He is still not mature enough to be away from his family for that long. He would start missing his home the moment he wakes up."

They continued talking. I didn't pay much attention to it.

In the evening, I had snacks with her. I also managed to extort her. She ended up buying me more sweets than the girls.

In the evening Jeemma dropped me at my home.

Before leaving, she made me promise that I would come to her home on Friday evening.

I went to my siblings after greeting Mom. The little ones were sleeping. Anuchi was not sleeping. She was searching for something. Her nose was red. She looked sad.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I... I lost the ring." Anuchi answered. About to cry.

"What ring?"

"Amma's ring."

"Wedding ring?"



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