042 Chicken

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Have you ever had a pet?

How did the death of a pet affect you?

We were having a boring peaceful morning until mom got a call from Arjun's mom.

Arjun ran away from his home!

Don't be alarmed.

He is a bit cowardly and his running away ended at our home. This had happened a few times already. His mom would stand at the corner of her courtyard to make sure that he reached our house safely. So no one was worried. In fact, I was even a bit happy that something interesting was happening.

"Anuu..." Arjun called for Anu from our courtyard.

Mom opened the door and I ran out to invite in the little boy.

He was carefully placing his little slippers on the steps. He had his school bag on his back and his eyes were red from crying.

"What happened?" Anu asked.

Sob... "They killed Biter Jenny." Arjun replied as he sobbed.

"Who is Biter Jenny?" Mom was confused.

"It's that chicken that always bites me." Arjun almost started crying again.

"The one with a bad eye?" Mom asked again.

"No. The angry one."

Mom asked him more questions to understand the situation.

Arjun's family is poor. So they buy meat only once a month. They had about 40 chickens and they sell eggs for an extra income. This month, they decided to kill a chicken that had stopped laying eggs. This chicken happened to be the chicken that always chased and pecked Arjun whenever it sees him. It was a really mean chicken. Even Anu was chased by it a few times.

"Chickens don't bite. They peck." Mom corrected Arjun. He was a child whose vocabulary was still growing.

"How can you say that? Have you checked her mouth for teeth?" Arjun questioned mom.

"... No. But chickens don't usually have teeth."

"Then how do they eat?"

"They... just swallow... and their tummy is special." Mom was already regretting her decision to correct the kid.

"Did you name all the chickens?" Anu asked.

"No. Just the ones that bite...  peck me."

"How many?"

"I don't know. I know counting only up to ten."

"Hahaha... I know to count to one hundred." Anu proudly declared. Dad had taken the difficult task of teaching Anu counting and even summation. He had recently started teaching me counting. But it is no easy task as I am just a year old baby who barely says a few words.

"That is not fair." Arjun protested. He and Anu started arguing and they soon forgot about the chicken that reached the end of its life.

Mom checked Arjun's backpack. There were two shirts, a toothbrush, a white stone, an odd-shaped stick and a peacock feather. He was well prepared for a kid running away from home. I couldn't help but smile when I saw the contents of his bag. Those were probably the items he considers as his belonging. Also, the physical evidence of his innocence.

I suddenly felt bitter.

Arjun was too innocent for this world. He was like this even after he became an adult. He is the kind of guy that would fall to scam calls. But still, he followed the principles taught by his elders and lived a happy life. I was far more intelligent than him. Yet I ended up becoming a failure.


Soon, Arjun forgot about the chicken and started playing with Anu. Mom took out the Lego set for them. For me, this wasn't a happy news. Due to choking hazards, whenever the lego set came out, mom made sure that I was away from them. I was not allowed to play with them.

Even after playing, mom used to count the pieces to make sure that no piece was missing.

I went to talk with Prince and Priya. They were growing up fast. Priya already responds when we talk to her. Compared to her, Prince was a bit spoiled. He is very picky and would cry for mom whenever he wakes up.

Still, I like talking to them. Most of my conversation is made-up words. Mom would watch our conversation with a smile. She wasn't just watching us. She was guarding against me biting the babies.

A few days ago, I was comparing their tiny feet to mine. Their tiny feet and hands were so cute and soft that I couldn't resist giving a soft bite. Unfortunately, mom saw it and ever since then, she is extra careful when I'm playing with the babies.

After a while, Prince pooped. I ran away as I hated the smell of baby poop. I went to play with Doodu.

I wrestled with him for nearly an hour. In the end, he surrendered.

"Kids, time for lunch." Mom called us for lunch.

"What's the curry?" Arjun asked scratching his head.

"Cauliflower and beans." Mom replied without thinking much.

"Mmm... Then I will eat from my home." Arjun politely declined the offer.


"We got chicken at home." Arjun was already dreaming of the chicken curry.

"But... it was your Biter Jenny." Mom pointed out the issue.


"Are you fine with that?"

"She had no issue biting me." Arjun shrugged.

A few hours ago, he was crying about his chicken being killed for lunch. But now he was looking forward to the lunch. Mom opened and closed her mouth a few times. She wanted to say something. But she couldn't find words.

In the end, mom decided not to change his mind. After all, he was a kid.

"Why aren't you inviting me for lunch?" Anu shamelessly asked.

"Then I won't have enough to eat." Arjun was merciless.

"If you don't bring me to eat chicken, then I won't let you play with my toys."

"How can you say that? It was my Biter Jenny." Arjun suddenly became emotional about his pet.

Mom was speechless. Even I was speechless hearing his argument. (not that I speak a lot) But Anu wasn't. She continued threatening him.

A normal mom would have stopped her daughter from being so tactless and shameless. But mom simply watched the show. She believed that kids should not act in front of their friends.

In the end, Anu followed Arjun to his home for lunch. I too wanted to go. But did not get permission from mom. Mom stood at the edge of our courtyard and made sure that the kids reached their house.

I wonder whether I can manipulate these two into a marriage.


Thanks for reading.

I got vaccinated and I was down with a fever for two days.

Also, special thanks to the readers who suggested the book to your friends a few weeks ago. I got many reads, votes and comments. I was busy at that time and I couldn't respond. I will try to do an extra chapter next week as a reward for the new readers.

Thanks again.

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