033 Guardian angel

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The sun burned like a white ball far away. The earth moved through the endless space peacefully. Moon danced around the earth like an energetic child running around her parent. The sky was like a beautiful garden with countless jasmine flowers.

In that sky, a young girl was reluctantly climbing a long stretch of stairs.

At the end of the stairs, two people were waiting. Both of them were guarding one gate each. One man had a long beard and a white robe. The other person had red skin, long horns and a pointed tail. He was a devil. Both of them were munching on roasted chicken.

"Your folks are really good at making roasted chicken." The bearded man complimented.

"Thank you sire. Roasting is our speciality." The devil replied with a proud face.

"Tch... Please tell me that you don't use the same grill to grill humans." The old man said with a clear disgust on his face.

"Never. We have large grills for humans and smaller ones for chicken." The devil assured the old man.

"Hmm... Good. Ohh... we have an arrival." The old man turned towards the stairs.

Priya looked around as she climbed onto the platform at the end of the stairs.

"Huh?" The two gatekeepers started at Priya in disbelief.

She was still in her evil form and it was oddly similar to the devil who was guarding the door.

"Your... Your horn is crooked." The devil pointed at the broken horn of Priya.

"I know." Priya was also checking out the devil. Compared to the old man, this devil appeared more friendly.

"Did you meet Anu?" Priya asked the devil. She just wanted to see whether the devil also got a makeover from the little girl.

"Huh? No no... I am not allowed to disclose the information of anyone who is inside."

"She is alive."

"Then no. I haven't gone to earth."

"Ok. That's good. Just stay away from Anu. Else you might get a crooked horn."

"Really? Horns are the pride of our people. A crooked horn will ruin my reputation. I will definitely stay away from anyone named Anu when I go to earth."

"Ohh..." Priya checked out the devil's horn.

It was a bit bigger than her own. She didn't like it. Not only her horn was crooked, but it was also smaller. How could she lose to a mere devil that was guarding a dilapidated door!

The next moment, the eyes of the gatekeepers bulged. Because as they watched, right in front of them, the horns of the young girl grew slowly and became bigger than the horns of the devil.

"You can't..." The devil started saying something. But in the end, he decided to keep quiet. Artificially changing the length of the horn was something devils didn't even dare to imagine. But the girl in front of him wasn't a devil.

"Ahem... Young girl, you need not worry about the horn. I will take you to a very nice place. There, you do not need horns." The old man said as he wiped his hands on his clothes. The grease from the chicken was still on the white beard of the old man.

Priya inched away from the old man.

"Hey... Don't be scared. I am a good grandpa. Look I have candies." The old man smiled as he took out a hand full of candies from his pocket.

Seeing this, Priya took multiple steps backwards. Anu had strictly advised her to stay away from old men with beards. Especially if they talk about taking her to a good place and offer candies. Most importantly,...

"Come on... there is nothing to be afraid of. Look, I even bought a human vehicle to take you there." The old man snapped his fingers. The clouds re-arranged and a Maruti Omni appeared.

Most importantly, if you see a Maruti Omni, then run away. It's the favourite vehicle of kidnappers. All the information Anu told her was perfectly fitting the situation.

"I like this vehicle. See, there is enough space for five little girls like you and even after that I can load at least 20  coconuts in it." The old man was marvelling the vehicle he got from the humans.

"Eeekkk...." Priya screamed. She turned around and ran.

"Stop. That's not the direction of the stairs." The devil shouted.

But it was too late. Priya reached the edge of the platform and fell down. She wasn't scared as she could fly. Soon, she disappeared between clouds.

The old man came close to the edge and took a peek. "Ahh... She fell back to the human world."

"Sire, are you doing this intentionally?" The devil asked with a wry smile.

The door to heaven was forever guarded by this old man. But the guard of the hell changed every 500 years. This devil was guarding the door for the last 300 years and he had seen the old man messing up regularly.

"What are you talking about? You witnessed her jumping down on her own. I had nothing to do with this. This is all a part of the plan of our great father." The old man answered with a stupid grin.

The devil sighed in frustration. Every time the old man made a mistake, he would claim innocence and say that it was the plan of the great father. The devil wanted to refute many times. But he was intelligent and he kept quiet. The old man was too powerful. Just a thought of the old man was enough to reduce him to ashes. Even angels had to be respectful to the old man.

"A demi-guardian angel that looked like a devil! What a wonderful era!" The old man murmured in satisfaction.


Happy Christmas

I have decided to give a bonus chapter for Christmas.

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