002 Baby Guardian

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Well, this is a bit embarrassing.

Do you know what's the most difficult thing about being a baby?

It's not breastfeeding or pooping as I thought earlier.

It's protecting my mom from my pervert dad.

Well... Some of you might not know this. But your parents have sex!!! Yes. They are doing it. It doesn't matter whether you like it or not. They don't give a rat's poop about your opinion in this case.

The trouble began yesterday evening.

Heavy rain with thunder and wind hit us. So we closed all the windows and doors. Once everything was locked, it felt nice. Being inside our home during the rain is a very pleasant feeling. We could occasionally hear the muffled thunders.

I liked it. But I kept crying so that someone would carry me. Don't judge me. Being in the arms of someone you are close to gives a warmth that you cannot explain with words.

My favourite is mom. She holds me the best. Being in her arms is very comfortable. Dad is also fine. But he is a bit skinny compared to mom. Anu is plump and softer than mom. But she is too small to carry me around. She occasionally hugs me when I'm laying on the bed. That feels really nice.

It was a very nice evening. In between, we lost electricity. Probably due to the wind.

I liked that too. To my surprise, dad decided to light candles instead of using the emergency lamps.

That's when I realized that I was not the only one who liked the situation.

My dad liked all of it even more.

The wind and rain. The dinner in candlelight.

At first, I failed to notice it.

But I slowly realized it as my mom kept on giggling like a shy teenager.

"I cannot believe this. If someone had told me ten years ago that I would the father of two kids, I would have laughed."

"If someone had told me that you would be the father of my kids, I would have laughed as well." Mom teased dad.

"If.. someone had told that I get you two as mom and dad, I... I..." Anu wanted to add something. But she couldn't find the words.

Dad and mom laughed.

"What do you have to say?" Mom asked me.

"Waaa... waa aahh..." I shared my wisdom and everyone laughed.

We finished the dinner and dad went to put Anu to sleep.

She is a courageous one. Just at the age of four, she started sleeping alone. But she needed someone to wait till she fell asleep. This day, dad was impatient and made her sleep ahead of her bedtime. Since there was no electricity, she too had no reason to stay awake.

Once Anu was asleep, he went to our bedroom and prepared my cradle.

I usually don't sleep in the cradle at night. I sleep in the middle of mom and dad. That is a lot warmer than the cradle. Mom got the cradle as a gift when I was born.

But today, dad was planning to get rid of me.

How can I let that happen!

To my horror, I soon realized that mom was also conspiring with him. She made me drink a full belly. I wasn't suspecting anything and I kept drinking until I was full. She also took me to the toilet and made sure that I emptied my bowel.

"Now that you are full, go to sleep, my baby...." Mom tickled me as she said that.

Only then I realized how she was also conspiring against me.

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