001 Return

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I am a 35-year-old man.


35-year-old baby.

That's confusing. Isn't it?

So, this is what happened.

I died a few minutes ago.


My consciousness slowly returned. I opened my eyes. The bright light made me squint. It took some time for my vision to return.

"Ohh... You are awake!"

I saw a young lady looking at me. It was a familiar face. A face I wanted to see for decades. My mom!

I tried to get up.

Nothing happened.

My entire body felt sluggish. I could barely move my arms. I moved my hand in front of my face. My palm entered my vision.

It was short and chubby.

I tried to raise my head. But I could barely move my neck sideways. I was confused.

"uvvu uvvu vooo... Why are you not crying?" She asked playfully.

Wait. This is not right.

I am a baby!

Why am I a baby?

This is not the afterlife! I got scammed. I was prepared for the afterlife. Then this happened.

It took me a bit of time to understand what was happening. I had returned to the beginning of my life. I returned to the days when I was a baby.

At first, I was angry. But then, I felt happy.

This is great. I am getting a second chance at life. I could start living my life again. I could correct the mistakes in my previous life and live a perfect life. This time I will be able to achieve all the dreams that I failed to achieve in my previous life.

I felt more and more excited as I thought about it.

But soon, reality struck me hard.

This is not a novel. This is real life. I am stuck as a baby. Unlike novels, where the main character goes and saves the world right away, I cannot even roll on the bed.

My mom kept talking to me. I wasn't paying attention to anything she said. I was like this the whole time in my previous life. She used to get angry at me for this. I cannot make the same mistakes in this life too. I decided to pay attention to what she was saying.

"... The elephant felt angry. It started flapping its ears and flying towards the arrogant rock..."

What the hell?

Flying elephant and an arrogant rock?


I will have to listen to all those stupid baby stories for the next few years. I am not a baby. I am a 35 year old man.

I felt a huge headache coming.

Wait... wait... WAIT...I felt like my entire body going paralyzed.

Does that mean I will be breastfed for the next few years?


I realized that I screwed up.

For the next few months, I will stay like this. Drinking breast milk, listening to all those ridiculous stories and worst of all, the singing of my elder sister. Ohhh... She must be only 4 years old now. That's going to be worse.

I Got Breastfed AgainWhere stories live. Discover now