047 Doodu's day out

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Doodu woke up exactly at 6 in the morning. As usual, Anu's chubby arm was hugging his neck. He had to struggle a bit to get out of her arm and leg hug. But he had no complaints. Because he knew that his elder sister loved him the most.

He went out and then without wasting any time, he went to the kitchen.

"Amma... Appa..." He happily greeted his parents who were busy making breakfast. Seeing mom and dad busy in the kitchen was a happy view to wake up to.

"Good morning Doodu... Go wake up Anu." Mom gave him his usual duty.

"Yes yes..." Doodu happily barked and ran back.

He has to first make sure that mom and dad are awake. If they forget to wake up, then there won't be anything for anyone to eat. Such a situation never happened till now. But there was no harm in being careful.

"Anuchi... get up. The sun has risen." Doodu barked at Anu.

"No... Just... a bit more." Anu was lazy and didn't want to get up. She tried to push Doodu away with her foot.

"WAKE UP... WAKE UP..." Doodu screamed at Anu. He had no complaints about the kicks. Because he knew his elder sister better than anyone else.

Anu tried her best to go back to sleep. But Doodu didn't let her. After all, it was his responsibility to make sure that she won't be late for school.

Once Anu was awake, Doodu went to the bedroom of mom and dad. Three little kids were sleeping there. Doodu had to stay guard for Alex. Alex is older than him by a few months. He is a bit weird. But Doodu knows that Alex is the best elder brother he could ever get. Prince and Priya were sleeping on the bed. They were his younger siblings. He loved watching them sleeping innocently.

Once Alex woke up, Doodu ran to the kitchen and informed mom. Otherwise, he would try to get out of the crib by himself.

"Doodu, time to brush..." Anu came and dragged Doodu away. Every day, Anu would brush his teeth.

Doodu opened his mouth obediently and showed his teeth so that Anu can brush them. Anu seriously brushed every tooth of Doodu. After that, they both and dad together had to struggle to make Alex brush.

"Achuuu... if you move again, I will bite you." Doodu barked as he pushed Alex.

"Hahaha..." Alex laughed aloud and tried his best to run away.

Brushing Alex's teeth was a herculean task. He would laugh and try his best to run away. So Anu and Doodu will have to hold him in place when dad brushes his lovely little teeth that looked like jasmine buds.

"I'm going to buy milk. Who's coming with me?" Dad asked once he was done with brushing Alex.

"Achu... Achu..."  Alex was the first to declare that he was coming. Then without waiting for anyone, he climbed on dad like a monkey. Dad grabbed him and placed him on his shoulder.

"Me too..." Doodu barked. He followed dad everyday morning.

Anu didn't answer. Instead, she ran and put on her footwear and grabbed the steel vessel for milk. On the way to the village centre, they greeted every grass and rock. They had even named some of the rocks on the way.

After returning, Doodu had to constantly rush Anu to get ready for school. Everyone thinks that Anu is a responsible kid. But in truth, it was Doodu's nagging that got things done.

"Everyone, come here." Then came breakfast. But Doodu did not eat his full breakfast. Instead, he ate a bit and saved the rest for later.

This is a habit he learned from mom. She would have a quick and small breakfast in the morning. Later, when she is free, she would have a proper breakfast.

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