69 Family

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Days passed too fast.

The next one to join us was Chachan's eldest son and family. His kids were a lot older than us. So they took the responsibility of taking care of us. As a result, the trouble we caused reduced drastically.

His kids were cool. The eldest one was named Sam. His speciality was magic.

"Achu, I heard that you have some girlfriends?" He asked me.

"Two," I answered proudly.

"Is that why you are wearing bangles on your ear?" He asked as he pulled out a set of bangles from my ear.

I was stupefied.

I knew he was going to pull some trick. So I was keenly following his hand movements. Yet, I didn't see how he did it.

He wasn't done.

He pulled out a doll from underneath my T-shirt. I was left baffled.

When he was a little boy, he used to show silly magic tricks. Although those were silly and easily seen through, no one exposed them. Instead, they pretended to be amazed and supported him. Now, years later, he has started performing on stage and no one could see through his tricks.

Everyone got their own gifts and their own magic trick.

"I knitted a scarf for you." He turned a ball of string into a beautiful scarf for chachan.

"How did you do that?" Chachan was amused.

"It's magic."

"He did knit it for you." His mother added.

"Really? You are such a good boy." Chachan was happy.

"Thank you." He smiled embarrassedly. He was weak against compliments.

"You know what, you can have my ring when I die." The old man promised him the ring.

"Noo... You promised me the ring." I protested. I knew that he was going to give the same promise to other kids too. But I wasn't expecting him to do it so soon.

"Well... You are not the good boy I thought you were. So you cannot have the ring."

"Is it because I said your wife would play with my other grandfather?" I asked loud enough so that everyone else in the room would hear.

"You... Why do I have such an unfilial grandson? You are never getting the ring." He decided to cut me from the list completely.

"Grandfather deserves some punch." I launched at him with my fists. No one tried to stop me.

"Hahaha... You are a few years early to be fighting me." Chachan grabbed my fist easily. He also greeted my headbutt with his own head.

We wrestled a bit. After a few minutes, he locked me completely.

"Eat a few more years' jackfruits before fighting me again you little rat." Chachan looked really proud for winning against a four year old kid.

I was actually satisfied with the result. My aim was never the ring. It was to make sure that I continue being Chachan's favourite grandchild. After the wrestling, I was sure that I was still his favourite.

But in the eyes of others, it looked like I lost.

To console me, Peter uncle gave me the gift he bought me. It was a small bicycle. I loved it.

Once the magic show was over I went out to play with our cousins.

"Achu, come here." Little Anu called me. If you don't remember, she is Jeemma's youngest. She is one year older than me.

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