051 Christmas

551 82 17

What's your favourite festival?

Mine is Christmas.

I like Onam and Easter too. During Onam, mom makes us wear a small mundu and let us eat sadhya from a banana leaf. Anuchi, Prince and Priya also do the same. Prince and Priya are not good with eating on their own and they make a mess. It's cute.

On Easter, we all go to highrange to meet our grandfather. Jeemma and her kids would also come with us. It's fun there. But my favourite is Christmas. Because we get to do a lot of activities together.

Two days before Christmas, dad stayed at home and we prepared for Christmas. We spent the entire day making the crib and Christmas tree. I and dad made the crib while Doodu and Anuchi made the tree. As usual, they did a wonderful job. As for the babies, they waddled around making a mess.

After making the crib, dad went to have a bath. Since I had nothing else to do, I started playing with the small bells for decoration.

Then dad's phone rang. Since dad was in the bathroom, I picked up the phone. The name was displayed and it was someone I knew.

"Helloo~~" I answered as sweet as possible.

"... Hello...?" The person on the other end was a bit taken back by my voice.

I knew this lady from my previous life and this life. She was a reporter for a TV channel. She was pretty good at her job. But in truth, she was working for dad. This was a secret no one knew for a long time.

"You have a beautiful voice." I praised her.

"Huh?..." This time, she was really shocked.

"Who... Who am I talking to?" She finally managed to overcome her shock and asked me.

"You forgot? You called me cute when you came home." I pretended to be heartbroken. By the way, I had started talking a lot. Long ago, mom was sad that I was late to start talking. Now she is complaining that I talk too much.



"Where is your appa? Please give the phone to appa." She didn't dare to talk to me anymore.

"Appa is pooping," I answered without any hesitation.

"Beep..." The call was disconnected. Looks like she's pretty embarrassed.

"Hihihi..." I chuckled as I placed the phone back on the table. I was pretty proud of my prank.

"Did you answer a call for dad?" Mom came to the room hearing my voice.

"Eeekk..." I screamed and ran away.

I was warned by mom and dad not to answer any calls that come to their phones. As for the reason, you can guess it.

I ran away and crawled under a bed. Mom didn't chase me. After all, she knew how far I could run.

I waited under the bed nervously. I heard dad coming out of the bathroom and talking to mom. He sounded pretty annoyed. Then I heard him listening to the recording of the last call I had with the girl. He had turned on the call recording function for safety.

"ALEXXX...." He roared after hearing the last sentence from me.

Hic... I'm in trouble. I continued hiding without making a peep. But unfortunately for me, under the bed was the first spot he looked for me.

"Come out." He ordered. He had a small stick in his hand. Actually, it wasn't a stick. It was a banana! Clearly, he grabbed the first thing he found to punish me. It looked funny and scary at the same time. Using a banana as a stick would look like a joke. But getting hit by one was no fun thing to happen to.

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