049 To School

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I stood in front of the mirror and stared at the big boy on the other side.

I couldn't believe it.

It felt like just yesterday that I returned. I still clearly remember how I struggled with pooping and breastfeeding.

In the blink of an eye, I grew up. I was three years old and was preparing to go to school.

To be clear, it was a playschool. Still, it was my first time being away from family or friends.

"Achu, don't fight with anyone. But if anyone comes to trouble you, push them down and sit on their back till they admit defeat. Absolutely, don't pour water on their head." Anu shared her wisdom. She was seven years old and matured a bit. She also developed a feeling that she had become the 'big sister'.

"Yes." I nodded while wondering whether she actually poured water on someone's head.

"Also, if you meet me outside the home, call me Anu-chechi. If you call me Anuchi in front of others, I will kick your ass so hard that you will have to poop with one butt for a week." She didn't forget to threaten me.

I nodded and agreed. But I had no plans to follow that instruction.

Recently, she realized that 'Anuchi' can also be heard as 'Anu farted'. So she didn't want me to call her that in public. She was like this previous life as well.

"Achu..." Priya tugged on my shirt. She was sobbing.

"Don't cry. Why crying?" I tried to console her.

"Achu doantaa..." She said something illegible and started crying again. She was an intelligent girl. She clearly understood that I was also going to school like Anuchi.

Pripri had turned two years old. They could run around and play. Ever since the babies started walking, we played together every day. I was their big brother. They followed me around all day calling me 'Achu'. It was even sweeter than when mom calls it.

Prince also started crying. He was simply following Priya. This nature of him hadn't changed a bit. I was actually getting a bit worried for him.

"Wuwooo wuwuwu..." Doodu was even more emotional.

Anuchi was his favourite. But we were pretty close too.  Whenever Anuchi was at school, we used to play together. I always tried to steal his food and we wrestled every day. Now that I was also starting to go to school, he had only Pripri to play with.

"Doodu... Don't worry. I will be back before lunch. Be a good boy and keep an eye on the kids."

"Listen here, if someone tells you that you can drink through the nose, don't believe them. If someone invites you to sacrifice your teacher for rain Gods, don't join them." Anu continued sharing her wisdom.

I wondered what kind of life she had in Kinder garden.

"Anu, stop worrying, he will be fine." Mom silenced Anu. She clearly didn't want Anu to give me any more of her advice.

Mom was busy getting ready. When Anu went to school for the first time, mom was crying and emotional. She was like that for more than a week. But when I was going to school for the first time, she wasn't a bit emotional. As for dad, he was not even home. He had something important to take care of and left in the morning.

"Yes. I will be fine. Don't worry about me." I assured Anu and ignored mom.

"Ohh... And stay away from that Meera. Especially, don't let her hug you. I heard that she picks nose." Anu wasn't really happy with Meera. I think Anu is getting a bit possessive. At the same time, she wasn't lying. Meera is indeed a kid and had all the bad habits of babies.

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