011 Criminal

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Have you ever seen crime in your real life?

Have you ever been a part of one?

I did.

Today morning, mom's three college friends came home.

I knew one of them from my previous life. Dad hated her. I don't know the exact reason.

They started gossiping.

It was fun to listen to. According to the rumours, one of their collegemates eloped with a teacher. Another one got divorced and a third one gave birth to a kid who doesn't look like his father.

I couldn't help but facepalm myself with my short chubby palm multiple times. Finally, I realized why dad hated them.

Anyway, mom chatted with them for a long time. They recounted their college days. They laughed a lot recollecting the old incidents. Some of those stories even included dad.

Hours passed in the blink of an eye.

When it was almost lunchtime, mom and her friends decided to fix something for lunch. Then one of the ladies volunteered to look after me as she wasn't good with cooking.

So within a few minutes, I was left with her.

I hated her for no reason.

She didn't know cooking, driving, and many other stuff. She was born and brought up in our place. Yet she talks in broken Malayalam as if she was a foreigner.

I hated this kind of poops with passion.

"Hola baby... How are you?" She asked playfully.

'Keep your ugly face away from me lady.' I said in my mind.

"Woof woof..." Doodu came to the room with his cute little barks.

"Wow... puppies!!!" She took out her phone and started clicking pics while making pretentious cute sounds.

'It's not puppies. It's just one puppy.' I wanted to correct her. But decided not to.

"You know what? Your mother is a real pain in the a$$." She stood up and said. In an instant, her facial expression changed.

Then she walked to the door, peeked out and slowly closed the door.

I was alarmed.

"She always acts high and mighty as if she is better than me." She continued.

"Always asking me to concentrate on studies as if it was life all about."

"I spent years trying to impress your dad and he didn't even spare me a glance. Then your mother just winked and he fell into her lap." She continued with gritted teeth.

A shiver ran through my spine.

"My family owns half of our town. He could have become a multi-millionaire just by marrying me. Instead, he chose to marry that ****." She reached the showcase and started running her hands through the stuff my mom has collected over the years.

My heart started beating like a drum.

'Should I cry? No. Then I will fail to see her real face. I should wait a bit.' I waited.

"Her yearly income is not a fraction of my pocket money." She scornfully said as she picked up a treasured teapot of mom.

It was a ceramic teapot mom got as a gift. She was scared of breaking it and so she never took it out of the showcase.

"Crack..." She twisted it and with a light cracking sound, its base broke.

She put it back as if nothing had happened.

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