Chapter 1

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Yeona's POV


I roll over in bed, shielding my eyes from the blinding sunlight filtering into my room through my blinds. Oh, I already know what comes after this.

As I predicted, a string of noises from my cat follows the first one, accompanied by the weight of her four paws stepping all over my legs. My own personal furry alarm clock.

"Luna, I'm awake," I mutter, reaching out to pet her in hopes that she might quiet down. Nope. By this time, I should know that it never works. Me speaking and letting her know that I'm awake only increases the volume of her purring and meowing.

After allowing the furry feline to continue for a few minutes, I finally give in and sit up, glancing at the clock next to my bed. Yeah, she's always either a few minutes early or perfectly on time, never late.

I swing my legs over the side of my bed, hearing the sound of her paws hitting the floor. She then starts weaving through and around my legs, still meowing persistently, her tail high in the air.

"You're so clingy," I tell her, slipping my feet into my slippers and following her to the door of my bedroom. "Still love you, though."

And I really do. Living alone in an apartment gets lonely sometimes, and one of the best ways to fix that is to adopt a pet. Because the stupid landlord doesn't allow dogs, my best choice was a cat. And that's how Luna was adopted.

I follow her to the kitchen, where she immediately positions herself in front of her food bowl and stares up at me with those eyes while still meowing...

Yeah, the only way to make her quiet down is to feed her breakfast.

And so I do just that, watching in amusement as she gobbles it all up, not missing a single morsel of food. I swear, this cat only likes me because I feed her, nothing else.

But she's still a good friend.

"And now to get ready," I say to myself, leaving Luna to do whatever she wants, most likely catapult herself off all the furniture in the apartment now that she's full and happy.

While getting ready, I think about what I should do for the day. Summer break is the best time of year, and I'm sure many people can agree with that. I'm free to do whatever I want, aside from studying a little bit to make sure I can actually get back into the swing of things when it ends.

I especially enjoy these two and a half months because of how stress-free they are. As a Korean university student, life can get pretty hectic during the school year, especially the few weeks leading up to finals. It's terrifying, the expectations people expect you to meet.

I start talking to myself again, which I do quite often. I'm not a social person at all, just with my tiny friend circle that consists of less than ten people that I really don't talk to anyways. Introvert problems, am I right?

"I could do what I did yesterday... And the day before that... And before that," I laugh to myself, recalling my usual summer break schedule.

Wake up, get ready, spend the morning studying and vibing to Kpop, spend the afternoon in a part time cafe, spend the evening unproductively doing whatever I want, and then sleep.

I finish washing my face and return to my bedroom. "Alright, yeah, I'm doing the same again. Why do I even bother trying to come up with different to do anymore?"

As expected, once I've changed into my comfortable morning outfit, sweatpants and a hoodie, I return to the kitchen and living room area to find Luna chasing one of her toy mice until it gets stuck under the couch.

"I'll get that out for you later," I tell her, watching as she shoves her front paws under the couch, moving them around in hopes to somehow hook the toy out.

And so my day has started. What's new.


First chapter, how u likin it?

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