Chapter 46

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Ten's POV

"Hopefully Yeona is doing alright," I mutter, picking Louis and Leon up and bringing them to my room.

I still can't get over the fact that she's so willing to help us, even if we haven't even known her for that long. Like, the girl literally jumped right into the operation with all of her brains and got right to work. That's very impressive. Where did all the trust issues disappear to?

I'm still worried that she might be upset I only told her about my career now, but at the same time, I'm sure that she understands.

Louis and Leon have returned to my desk to stare out the window. They still do it often, although they're no longer camping out in front of the window all day long with Luna, probably because they've met in-person. Or in-cat.

"Ten, we're about to eat lunch," Lucas tells me, poking his head into my room. With a nod, I follow him out the door, seating myself at the dining table.

I have a feeling that the main topic of conversation is going to be our extermination of Haerat, as well as some discussion over Yeona.

And I'm right.

The first thing that Yangyang says is, "I hope Yeona is doing okay, getting rid of the rat for us." I notice that neither Kun nor Chunmei objects, even though they're usually against name calling. That's just a sign that Haeyoung really is what we say that she is.

"That's right, it's really nice of her," Chunmei agrees, as if reading my mind. "Hopefully we can repay her in some way or another, but yeah, Yeona is a very good person."

At her words, the whole table gives me a look. I tilt my head to the side, giving them a weird look in return. "Why is everyone looking at me?"

Hendery shrugs, looking back at his food as if nothing has happened. "No reason. We were just bored."

I furrow my brows in confusion, then look back down at my food before saying something. "We're currently just waiting, right?"

"Yeah. It's sort of all up to Yeona. My guess is that she's showed the picture to Haeyoung and maybe given her directions, but hasn't gotten her fired yet. But we all know she can do it," Kun says seriously.

I stifle my laughter. "We're talking about this like hyping her up throughout our conversation is going to help with her mission, which is probably ongoing right now." After a pause, I add, "It's good, though."

My words elicit a round of cheering around the table, as if that's going to give Yeona a boost of confidence.

"Exactly," Chunmei agrees, then looks at me again. I look right back at her, confused as to why everyone is acting so weird all of a sudden.

"This is déjà vu displayed its finest," Xiaojun remarks. "We did this to Eunhae, except she was shipped off to America, and to Chunli, who was fired from her job and is off doing who knows what with our manager. And now there's Haeyoung, who's being relocated somewhere else."

"And we all know how the couples turned out with that," Yangyang states boldly, earning himself a "shush" from Kun.

"What exactly are you suggesting?" I ask, although I have a feeling I know exactly what he's suggesting. Yangyang shakes his head, as if he never said anything.

I shrug and nod, only able to hope that the operation is going smootly.


yangyang knows the tea 🍵

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