Chapter 18

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Ten's POV

I'm currently in a state of complete and utter panic. I'm literally shaking, while trying to remain calm. I can't believe that Louis and Leon just poofed into thin air. How is that even possible?

One second they wanted to get out of my room, and the next second Hendery comes running in asking me if I've seen Louis and Leon. When I answer no, he then explains that they were sniffing around the front door. A moment later, they were just gone.

Even worse, Xiaojun just came back from walking Bella literal minutes ago. The timeframe lines up just right, so that Louis and Leon could have easily slipped out the door while it was open.

"Wait, they're actually gone? This isn't some April Fools prank, right?" I ask, running out into the living room area. Everyone is tossing aside couch cushions and opening cabinets, trying to find the two felines.

Hendery shakes his head, running to check behind the couch. "Ten, April Fools was weeks ago. As much as it seems like this is a prank that we'd pull, they're actually gone."

I can sense the seriousness in his voice. "Wait, so can we do a quick recap? Louis and Leon ran out of my room and were sniffing around the front door, Xiaojun comes inside with Bella, and suddenly they're gone?"

"Exactly," Kun responds, his voice laced with urgency. "None of us were really paying attention, either."

"I really don't think that they're inside the dorm," Lucas points out. "We've practically turned the place upside down, multiple times, within the last three minutes."

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "So what you're saying is that they're probably not inside the dorm. The only other places they could be are the building, and outside."

"Exactly. We need to get looking as soon as possible. The sooner we find them, the better," Chunmei announces. "Kun, dispatch us real quick, will you?"

Our leader nods, his gaze sweeping over us, as if he's making calculations in his head. "Ten, since you have the best chance of finding them outside, you look around the building. Yangyang and Hendery, I don't trust you two much, so stay on our floor. Xiaojun, check the elevators, and the rest of you can either check either the building or outside. Let's go."

With that, we spread out, pulling on our shoes and running out of the dorm. We probably look like we've gone insane right now, but Louis and Leon are in danger, and that's all that matters.

As I'm heading outside, I keep an eye out for any flashes of my cats. How did we lose them? They're not even tiny kittens, they're... uh... big! This is just an absolute disaster.

My mind has pretty much gone blank at this point. My two children, my two babies, have disappeared, and I need to find them right now.

I then realize that I just disappeared on Yeona for absolutely no reason at all, which was quite rude of me... Why is this the thing I'm thinking about when my cats are lost? I have no idea, but I need to focus on the task at hand.

Once outside, I pull my mask on and start looking around, trying not to look suspicious. Everyone is hustling about, and there's no limit to the streets... This is impossible. How on earth am I, one singular person, supposed to find them?

And with that thought, I know exactly what to do.

I need help, and there's only one person I know who's suitable for the job. This cat owner who could make it downstairs in mere minutes, or maybe even seconds. This wonderful person who probably knows the area well, maybe even better than me.


Yes, I'm technically face revealing to her or whatever, but does it really matter at this point? The reality of the situation is finally settling in. We need as much help as we physically and possibly can get.

So, in the middle of the sidewalk, I pull out my phone and start texting her. Please agree. Please, please agree.

I'll admit, this situation is pretty embarrassing. Imagine having to ask someone you just met for help finding cats... I didn't think that would be me, but here we are.

Fortunately for me, Yeona is cool enough to agree. I swear, this girl is too nice...

She agrees to meet me in the courtyard between our apartment buildings to look for Louis and Leon. While waiting, I check around the area, still unable to find them.

A moment later, I hear footsteps and look up to see a girl approaching me. Yeah, that's Yeona.

Here we go.


oi so they're actually gone, my guy ain't clowning-

Thanks for reading!

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