Chapter 61

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Yeona's POV

"Hello, and welcome," I greet Ten, opening my door. It's the morning again, meaning that it's time for us to spend some time together before he has to go to his idol schedules.

He sets Louis and Leon down and opens the crate door for them. "Why so formal, Yeona?"

Before I can even process what's happening, he's pecked my lips and is already closing the door, as if nothing happened. The confidence.

"Oh, by the way, I brought something," my boyfriend announces, pulling his hand out of his pocket. My eyes widen at the sight of a red rubber balloon, pinched between his fingers and dangling right in front of me.

"Why? Is? That? In? My? Apartment?" I ask, pushing his arm away from my face. "You could have at least picked a different color, instead of the classic red one that all the clowns hold."

He laughs. "I thought it would be fun to face our fears together, you know. And I knew that you would have fruit, so I just asked Yangyang for a balloon."

I shake my head. "How is that even a good idea?" No sooner are the words out of my mouth than I realize what he's probably going to say. "You think that facing fears together is a good bonding activity?"

"Exactly, I can't believe you read my mind," he responds. Seeing my reluctance, he looks at me with a pleading look on his face and asks, "Please?"

"Fine, alright," I sigh. "My goodness, you didn't have to use aegyo on me."

He smiles. "I know you can't resist my cuteness. Anyways, let's do this." With another excited smile, he runs to the kitchen and takes the first fruit he sees, a mandarin.

I nod at his choice. As I peel the mandarin for him, he randomly says, "See, this is a Chinese orange that even speaks Mandarin." (A/N: sorry my braincells are dying idk what this is)

"What does that even mean?" I ask, tossing the fruit at him. 

He barely catches it, then holds it at an arm's length, as if he's afraid to get too close to it. "It was a joke, and you didn't laugh, which made me sad." After a moment of staring at the orange, he asks, "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"What do you mean? You were the one who suggested it, and now you have to go through with it," I respond, a smug smile on my face.

"I- Okay then," Ten sighs. "Who's going first?"

I shrug. "I mean, you were sort of the one who suggested it, so it would be best for you to go first, right?" I ask, trying to use logic against him.

Thankfully, it seems to work. With a disgusted look on his face, he breaks the mandarin in half, then breaks off a singular slice. I can tell that he's trying not to look scared in front of me, but it's pretty obvious that he despises the orange fruit in his hand.

"Okay, now eat it," I say. When he doesn't move to do so, I add, "You're going to be fine. Just think of it as orange juice. You can drink orange juice, right?"

He shakes his head, then holds the slice out to me. "Can you feed me?"

"Seriously?" I sigh. He obviously knows that I'm not going to say no... and he's right. "Fine, I'll do it."

With a grimace, my boyfriend allows me to feed the slice of fruit to him. His face is overcome by an expression of disgust as he tries to chew the fruit between his teeth, then swallow it without letting it touch his tongue.

"That was... disgusting," he announces, running to the sink to wash his mouth out. When he comes back, the red balloon he brought has been fully blown up, much to my horror and fear.

With a wicked smile, he taps it up into the air, as if teasing me. "I would make you pop the balloon, but I feel like that's too mean, so we'll just play the balloon tapping game for three minutes. You know, where we both try not to let it touch the ground."

I eye the inflated piece of rubber in his hand. "How come my challenge is so much worse?"

"It just is," he responds. Before I can say anything, the red balloon is coming towards me. I turn my face away from it and wave my hands in front of my face. One of my fingers comes into contact with the balloon, sending it back towards Ten's side.

He taps it right back towards me, as if he's enjoying the game. "It's fun, isn't it? See, even the cats are interested in the balloon." Indeed, Louis, Leon, and Luna are staring at the balloon as it flies through the air between me and Ten.

I shake my head, again trying to tap the balloon away from me and hoping with all of my heart that it doesn't pop. "No, it's not. When does this end?"

"Barely any time has passed at all," he responds smugly. The tapping continues. Somehow, neither of us misses the balloon, keeping it up in the air the whole time.

"Is time up yet?" I ask for the umpteenth time, tapping the balloon while holding my breath and hoping that it doesn't pop in my hands.

Ten nods. "Yeah, time was up a few minutes ago."

"Wow, I can't believe you," I mutter jokingly as he unties the balloon for me.

I throw the orange peel and balloon in the trash, hoping to never see the latter again. "Well, that was sort of fun, I guess. But I'm never doing it again."



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