Chapter 51

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Yeona's POV

~2 week Time Skip~

Well, it's been two weeks since the extermination of Haerat. I've got to say, life has become both easier and more interesting.

I think that most of it has to do with hanging out with Ten and WayV. Then again, there's also K-pop, which has been quite enjoyable to listen to. And with Haeyoung gone, work at the café has gone back to normal. Oh, and Chunmei, who's gotten pretty close to me.

Honestly, Ten has become a huge part of my life. I mean, we meet up every morning and text whenever we're not together in person. Who would've expected that?

Yes, WayV finished their break and went back to their schedules, but there really isn't that big of a difference. Things are pretty much normal, aside from his sleep schedule getting messed up, which gets him a lot of nagging from me. Don't even ask.

"Lunaaa," I call to my cat, dragging her name out. Thankfully, she no longer camps out at the window for most of her day, although she, Louis, and Leon still have their stare-offs, along with their usual playdates.

She actually turns towards me, except with a "What do you want?" look on her furry face. I laugh, scooting over on the couch to boop her pink nose. I'm aware that she's not a huge fan of getting her nose booped, but I also don't think she hates it. And it's fun. A lot of fun.

"Hmmm... Do you want to go visit Louis and Leon?" I ask. I've been checking the clock a lot, and it's finally almost time to go.

My cat doesn't even move, so I assume that she's fine with it. Reaching out for my phone, I reluctantly turn off my music, which was one of WayV's songs. (A/N: I couldn't pick one LMAO so insert ur favorite one ig-)

Now that my K-pop and chill time is over, I gently wake Luna up by waving my hand in front of her head. It's incredibly immature, but it works.

Once she sees that her crate is on the floor and open, she does a quick stretch and then runs right into the crate. I laugh at her excitement, seeing that she obviously knows what the crate means.

At least I don't have to force her into her crate if I ever want to take her to the vet because of how eager she is to get in now.

Soon we're in front of WayV's dorm. The familiar flutter of my heart returns as I think about Ten. I think I know what it is, but I'd never admit it.

"Yeona!" he greets me, throwing open the door. I look up with surprise, mostly because I haven't even knocked yet. He must have been waiting for me. Well, I'm not complaining.

"Hi!" I respond, stepping into the dorm and pushing the door shut behind me. Luna's already running around in her crate, as if she literally wants me to drop it. Once she's free, Ten and I follow the trio of cats to his room as we usually do.

They're catapulting themselves off all the surfaces and playfully involving themselves in fights. "It's like we're watching our children play," I laugh, and then realize what I said and add, "Like, you know, watching kids play except they're cats."

"Yeah," Ten agrees, looking over and making our eyes meet.

I suddenly become hyper aware of the small distance between us. We're so close that our hands are almost touching, and the proximity is making my heart beat fast for unexplainable reasons. I sort of want to look away before it becomes awkward, but it's hard. His eyes are captivating, which I somehow haven't noticed before.

We hold the eye contact for a moment longer, before he leans forwards and presses his lips onto mine.


well that was sudden ten-

okay but why do I end the chapters on a cliffhanger like this every time 👀

Thanks for reading!

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