Giving My Heart Away Part 15

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The train halted to a stop and after 20 minutes in a smelly cab we reached Bootsy Bellows just in time to see Sean in handcuffs.

"Oh my god."

"No fuckin way!"

Sean was fine. Besides the blood on his knuckles, he was as hot as ever. He caught a glimpes of us and gave me wink before being pushed into the back of a police car.

Standing outside the club doors were two not so hot bodyguards holding eachother up. Both of the twins had bloody noses, black eyes, and busted lips. They looked terrible.

"Is Sean fuckin Jackie Chan or some shit?! Holy shit Jason..." Emma said in between laughs, pointing her hand at the twins who had directed their attention at us, glaring.

We ran to the backdoor of the police car before it drove off. Thankfully the window was down.

"Sean what the fuck? You didn't have to kick their asses!" I said, trying to hide my appreciation and failing.

"Yes I did!" He laughed with another wink.

"Yes the fuck he did!" Emma was still in tears.

"Where's this guy taking you? We need to get you home... I need to get you home..."

"The nearest stations a few blocks from here, get a cab to follow us there."

I nodded before sticking my head into the window and kissing him. I couldn't believe what he'd done. It was dangerous, but fucking amazing.

"Sir get your god damn head out of the car before I arrest you too!" Said the police officer in the drivers seat.

Don't tempt me.

I gave Sean a quick wink and Emma and I ran back to the cab. Throwing a twenty on the dash I yelled,

"Follow that police car!"

The driver rose an eyebrow and pursed his lips as if waiting for something.

"PLEASE!!" Emma and I said in unison. And the cab sped off.


It wasn't long till Sean was released. Bail was $500 with the addition of the assault charges the gaurds pressed on him. I tried to put in my word for what they did to me, but Sean wouldn't let me.

It was about 4:00 p.m. when were on the train back to school. Our car was practically empty, so Emma had all the room she needed to wander around dreamingly and smile while talking to Grace. Sean and I couldn't keep our composures when she started using puppy talk and giving her phone mic several little kisses. She turned and saw us dying of laughter and said,

"Fuck you!" While holding up the middle finger.

"Oh no no no! Not you babe... Well unless you want to when I get back..." A smile played across her face and she turned back around to have a special conversation.

"Those two are fuckin rabbits" Sean said chuckling. He still had a bit of blood on his knuckles and his clothes were dirty and tattered. Regardless, I just wanted to jump on him and have him take me right then, but we'd been in jail enough for the day.

Sean saw me looking at him and smiling.


"Nuthin." I smiled wider.

He jabbed at my side playfully, "Come on, what's up?"

"I'm just never gunna let you go... Never again, baby." I answered, looking at the floor.

He just sniggered and pulled me down to sit on his lap. I looked up at him and saw tears in his eyes.

"Jason, I knew you were something different from the moment I met you. Your presence alone brightens up my day. Your cheesy jokes and little dances are MY LIFE!" We both laughed.

"Listen," he continued, "I just need you to know that I'm willing to do anything for you babe. Anything."

"Even getting arrested apparently." I laughed.

"Yes! I'd get arrested thousands of times if I needed to for your safety."

I nuzzled his neck and replied, "I would too. I swear my heart beats 100 times harder just from the sound of your voice. I've never felt this way about anyone. You make me feel so warm inside when I'm in your arms, I don't want to ever not feel that, ever."

"I fuckin love you." Sean said, wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you more" I said, wishing we could stay like this forever.

Maybe we will.

"Don't play you little shit." He said jokingly, nudging my head with his chin.

We spent the rest of the train ride in each others arms, and it definitely felt like forever. A good kind of forever.

*** End of Book One***

Book Two: Love's Obstacles

Coming soon....

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